News articles

All stories that have been tagged with Platform

Beta test of the Research Assistant: Help us improve the search experience

  • Platform
  • Information research

New: exploratory search with AI in ETH library @ swisscovery

  • Media
  • Platform
  • swisscovery
  • Information research

New additions to E-Periodica

  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • Media
  • Publication
  • swisscovery
  • Information research

Experience Mars and Titan interactively

  • Media
  • Platform
  • Digitisation

e-rara – retrieve data, view and compare digitised resources

  • #KnowHow
  • Digitisation
  • Project
  • Platform
  • More than just data

ETH Professor Louis Rollier’s private library on e-rara

  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • #KnowMore

The ETH Zurich Research Collection is awarded the CoreTrustSeal

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Platform
  • Publication
  • More than just data

Access to company and patent data – with Orbis and Orbis Intellectual Property

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • Open Data
  • Information research

The spatial database Geofacets will be retired at the end of 2023

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform
  • Digitisation

More than just words – 40,000 images of rare books

  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • swisscovery

ETH Zurich’s new Web Archive is live – and features a full-text search

  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • swisscovery
  • Information research

Gold and Bronze for e-rara and e-manuscripta

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform
  • Digitisation

Blogs in the era of AI – a panel discussion

  • Event
  • Culture & art
  • Platform
  • #FocusHuman

From alchemy to dream interpretation – the bookshelf of a psychoanalyst

  • Platform
  • Digitisation
  • #KnowMore

e-rara now contains 100,000 titles

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform
  • Digitisation

New standards platform available with access extended to IEC standards

  • Platform
  • #KnowMore

Celebrating 10 Years of

  • #KnowHow
  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • More than just data

e-rara now includes thumbnails and other new features

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform

Access to new Wiley Archives for members of ETH Zurich

  • Media
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • #KnowMore

New feature for the Research Collection: publication of large datasets

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science modern design and improved functionality

  • #KnowHow
  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • More than just data

Newly digitised journals available on E-Periodica

  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • swisscovery

ETHorama – new design and new options for your research

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • swisscovery

ETH Zurich image database: How do you find what you’re looking for in E-Pics?

  • Platform
  • Moving forward together
  • #FocusHuman

NAHIMA– Natural science collections online

  • #KnowHow
  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Impressive numbers and relevance for the Research Collection in 2021

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Platform
  • More than just data

See, recognise, discover – new photographs on E-Pics

  • Digitisation
  • Culture & art
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

A new kind of literature search – create knowledge maps with Open Knowledge Maps

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform
  • Publication
  • swisscovery
  • More than just data
  • Books and Library

Research Collection – interesting reading

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Platform
  • More than just data

When cows meet robots: Agricultural sciences at ETH Zurich

  • Storytelling
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Working efficiently with the ETH Library @ swisscovery

  • Platform
  • #ETHLibrary4Students
  • Publication
  • swisscovery
  • Information research
  • Books and Library

New: Author names in the Research Collection and People Search

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Thomas Mann International – network to consolidate research and promote exchange

  • #KnowHow
  • Digitisation
  • Culture & art
  • Platform
  • Moving forward together
  • Research & Science

Get ready for your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis

  • #ETHLibrary4Students
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • Learning
  • Writing, managing references
  • Books and Library

Research Collection – A plea for green open access

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Platform
  • More than just data

Well prepared for the learning session

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • Platform
  • #ETHLibrary4Students
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

A new era begins on E-Pics: curating, auto-tagging and georeferencing

  • #KnowHow
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • Books and Library

In the service of research and teaching: watch the e-rara anniversary event

  • Event
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Research Collection: Statistics January to March 2021

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform
  • Open access

Retrospective digitisation – find out more and join in the discussion

  • Event
  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data

Full migration to swisscovery on 1 April 2021

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Platform
  • Operational info
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

Linking your SWITCH edu-ID with your ETH Zurich user account

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Platform
  • Operational info
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

15 years E-Pics Image Archive Online

  • Crowdsourcing
  • Digitisation
  • Media
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • #KnowMore

More than just words – 30,000 images on E-Pics Rare Books

  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • Media
  • More than just data
  • #KnowMore

Newly digitised journals on E-Periodica

  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • Media
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data

Historic School Board Minutes with a new look

  • #KnowHow
  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Research Collection – annual review and statistics for 2020

  • Open access
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data

Zodiac signs, cosmographies and more: Explore new works on AstroRara

  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • #KnowMore

Georeferencing – Making knowledge come alive in 3D

  • Storytelling
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • Books and Library

Bronze for AstroRara: ETH Library web app wins Best of Swiss Apps Award

  • Platform
  • #KnowMore

Welcome to swisscovery!

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Platform
  • Administrative departments
  • Operational info
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

Only seven days to go until swisscovery launches

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Search Portal
  • Platform
  • Operational info
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

The written treasures of a polymath – New private collection on e-rara

  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • #FocusHuman

AstroRara – Interactively explore historic astronomical research illustrations

  • Platform
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • #KnowMore

Digital publishing: international Open Access Week

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform
  • Open access

Make your research data more visible in the Web of Science – Data Citation Index

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Search Portal
  • Platform
  • Research & Science

More features, better usability – What’s new with E-Periodica?

  • Platform
  • #KnowHow
  • Digitisation

Via the "Archive database online", the Thomas Mann Archives provide access to further original documents of the author

  • Digitisation
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Platform
  • #FocusHuman

Digital manual: Alloy Phase Diagram Database

  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Search Portal
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • Research data management and digital curation

Facts, figures and statistics: Statista provides data for your research

  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Search Portal
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore relaunch and panel discussion

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform
  • #ETHLibraryDigital

It’s live and up to date: the new website of the ETH Library

  • Platform
  • Libraries
  • #KnowMore

Off to pastures new and snow-capped peaks afar with ETHorama

  • Platform
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • #KnowMore

E-Pics – countless images available for download

  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Media
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore impresses visitors with new look and feel

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform
  • #ETHLibraryDigital

A burning passion for standard works and rare publications in the field of volcanology

  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Platform
  • Media
  • #KnowMore

ETHorama: virtual journeys through historic Switzerland

  • Platform
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • #KnowMore

AstroRara – Picturing heavens through time

  • Platform
  • #KnowMore

«Dem Mond so nah» – Im Bann der Anziehungskraft unseres Erdtrabanten

  • Platform
  • Storytelling
  • #KnowMore


  • Platform
  • Media
  • #KnowMore

Die Graphische Sammlung neu auf E-Pics

  • Digitisation
  • Media
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore

Neue Funktionen für

  • Platform
  • #KnowHow
  • Open access

Himmel und Zahlen in alten Drucken

  • Platform
  • Publication
  • #KnowMore

500'000 digitalisierte Bilder auf Bildarchiv Online

  • Digitisation
  • Media
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore

JAMAevidence – Journal of the American Medical Association

  • Media
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore

Zugriff auf die Plattform konkurado

  • Platform
  • #KnowMore

ETHorama: Über die Grenzen hinaus

  • Platform
  • #KnowHow
  • Information research

Schweizweite Archivrecherche

  • #KnowHow
  • Media
  • Platform
  • Information research
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