E-Pics – countless images available for download
Are you looking for appropriate image material to illustrate a presentation or publication? Search for, view and download images on E-Pics

Are you looking for appropriate image material to illustrate a presentation or publication?
The E-Pics platform comprises:
- Photo archives
- Photographers’ personal papers
- Images from university life
- Images from the natural sciences
- Images from the history of science and technology
- Scientific photography
The image catalogues on E-Pics are added to on a daily basis, and are available to both ETH Zurich’s units and, to a large extent, the general public as well. Use these comprehensive image holdings for your projects. Images can be downloaded in various resolutions, depending on the catalogue, or ordered by completing an order form or sending an email to the responsible office.
ETH Zurich’s units can also manage their own image data on E-Pics free of charge, and make this available to the general public or a select audience as required. We are happy to assist you!
E-Pics is the platform for image catalogues of ETH Zurich and is an ETH Library service.
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