E-Pics – countless images available for download

Are you looking for appropriate image material to illustrate a presentation or publication? Search for, view and download images on E-Pics
CABI – For sustainable development goals in agriculture and the environment

Developing, spreading and networking knowledge: the six CABI Compendia provide comprehensive bioscientific information for use in academic studies, practical applications and professional development.
Hands-on knowledge – The new Collection of Scientific Instruments and Teaching Aids

“The Materiality of Knowledge”: Inventoried and available to all those interested, ETH Library is re-opening a treasure trove of collector’s items featuring historical and contemporary objects from teaching and research.
E-Periodica – Swiss journals online

Free access to digitized Swiss journals or those relating to Switzerland.
e-rara.ch impresses visitors with new look and feel

After ten years and with some 78,800 titles, e-rara.ch was relaunched at the end of March 2020 with a modern and intuitive design.