ETH Zurich image database: How do you find what you’re looking for in E-Pics?
The digital version of the ETH Library Image Archive contains over 640,000 images. But how do you find what you’re looking for in E-Pics? With our survey, we want to find out how you use the database.

The ETH Library Image Archive contains 3.5 million images, including photos taken by photographers, complete photo archives, aerial images, images documenting industrial landmarks and the series of photo albums titled “Pictorial Worlds”. With the E-Pics Image Archive, anyone who is interested can search an image database containing over 640,000 images.
How do you use the ETH Library E-Pics Image Archive?
At the ETH Library, we are conducting an external page E-Pics survey to find out how you use the image database. We have put together a few questions for you to answer:
- Which search functions do you use?
- How do you reduce the amount of results in long result lists?
- How do you use manually inserted keywords?
- What are your experiences with AI-generated keywords (auto-tagging), which we have been using since 2021?
You can send us your answers to these questions and more as part of our online survey until 27 May 2022. We look forward to your feedback and are excited to find out how you have been using the E-Pics Image Archive with the recently redesigned user interface.
external page Click here to take the survey
Click the following link to access the E-Pics Image Archive.
Image Archive
As a visual memory, ETH Library’s Image Archive has extensive and valuable holdings of more than three and a half million historical photographs. A large selection of them has been digitised. You can search the images in external page ETH Library @ swisscovery or on E-Pics Image Archive Online.