More than just words – 40,000 images of rare books
The E-Pics platform provides comprehensive online collection of digitised book illustrations. Discover a wide range of images in the digitised old books collection of the ETH Library.

Are you looking for images of Zurich in the 15th century? Interested in architecture and design of the past centuries?
More than 40,000 digitised images from the ETH Library's Rare Books Collection have been available online on the E-Pics platform since the beginning of June, as further impressive images from our old books collection have been added to the image catalogue.
These digital copies are published under a Public Domain licence. You can use them freely for academic, personal, non-commercial and commercial purposes and download them free of charge.
Stay tuned as more digital images are added to E-Pics every day and more images are systematically indexed.
If you have any questions, please contact the Rare Books team at .
The Rare Books Collection of the ETH Library includes more than 75,000 volumes of books and periodicals that were published between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. The collection mostly comprises texts on the subjects of astronomy and mathematics.