Research Collection – A plea for green open access
The Research Collection provides researchers with green open access to scientific publications and the option to publish at no charge.

Did you know that the most frequently downloaded article of the last quarter, “Learning Quadrupedal Locomotion over Challenging Terrain”, is an article from the Robotic Systems Lab led by Marco Hutter? We are particularly pleased that the article is a green-open-access article, which is an article that was self-archived as an author’s accepted manuscript in the Research Collection.
A toast to the green road: locating articles ...
It’s precisely articles like these which show that green open access really works. First and foremost, articles can be located in the Research Collection by researchers like you, and neither you nor your institution have to pay for access, which is not the case when downloading articles from the publisher’s website.
... and publishing
In addition, open access is free for you as a publishing researcher or, in this case, only possible since the journal does not provide a paid open-access option. Furthermore, green open access satisfies the open-access requirements of research funders such as the Swiss National Science Foundation and the European Research Council.
Research tip
The LibKey Nomad browser extension takes you directly to the PDF of journal articles and allows you to immediately conduct research using the green-open-access versions.
Publishing information
Do you also want to publish using green open access? More information is available in the Research Collection manual.
Record-breaking accomplishment
During the last quarter, the first-quarter record of 2021 for open-access usage was broken once again. Usage is currently at 57%, and thus 11% higher than in the previous year. We are very pleased about this development.
Go to the infographic for April to June 2021
The Research Collection is the publication platform of ETH Zurich. University members can use it to publish academic full texts on an open-access basis, as well as to archive research data or to make these available to the public.