New additions to E-Periodica
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Landschaftsschutz / Stiftung Landschaftsschutz Schweiz = Protection du paysage / Fondation suisse pour la protection et l'aménagement du paysage
The Swiss Foundation for Landscape Protection endeavours to preserve, maintain and enhance the landscape in Switzerland that is worthy of protection. It pursues this goal by safeguarding, promoting and restoring the natural and cultural values of the landscape. The SL-FP was founded in 1970 by Pro Natura, the Swiss Heritage Society, the Swiss Association for National Planning, the Swiss Alpine Club and the Swiss Tourism Association. In its activity report, which has been published since 1970, the foundation looks back on the main topics of the previous year and reports on its project work, legal interventions and political activities.
The journal Boletín Hispánico Helvético, founded in 2002, is the organ of communication of the Sociedad Suiza de Estudios Hispánicos. It provides information on the activities of Swiss Hispanic Studies and publishes articles on Hispanic Studies with a literary, linguistic, historical and cultural research focus.
Mitteilungsblatt / Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Familienforschung = Bulletin d'information / Société suisse d'études généalogiques = Bollettino d'informazione / Società svizzera di studi genealogici
The Swiss Society for Genealogical Research is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the study of genealogical relationships within families. The SGFF was founded in 1933 as an umbrella organisation; it coordinates the interests of the discipline at a national level. The first SGFF bulletins were published in 1974. In 2014, the society published its last printed bulletin; since then it has sent out a newsletter.
In November 1860, the Stans publisher Caspar von Matt published the first Nidwaldner Brattig. The name Brattig is derived from the word "practical" because, in addition to editorial stories, it also contained a lot of useful information such as the calendar, public holidays and market data. The era of calendar stories began with Josef von Matt: For a total of 55 years, Josef von Matt senior himself wrote the illustrated literary history, which made up around a third of the entire Brattig. In 1970, Josef junior, known as Beppi, took over the helm and consolidated the roots of the Brattig in the Nidwalden population for decades.
Patrimoine fribourgeois =Freiburger Kulturgüter
Patrimoine fribourgeois =Freiburger Kulturgüter. Hors série
Ville de Fribourg: les fiches
Published by the Office for Cultural Heritage since 1992, the bilingual magazine Patrimoine fribourgeois / Freiburger Kulturgüter is the only periodical in the canton that deals exclusively with monuments and cultural assets. The richly illustrated issues, which mainly present the latest research findings and report on recent restorations, are often dedicated to a specific theme.
Each fiche is dedicated to a building in Fribourg. It contains the historical addresses and owners and gives a historical outline of the building and a description of its most important elements. The illustrations consist of old and new photographs, supplemented by plans. The project aims to provide an ever-expanding history of the city and its urban development.
external page To the editions 1992-ff.
The Marchring was founded in Lachen in 1952 on the initiative of Pastor Dr Eduard Wyrsch. 10 years later, the association published the first Marchring magazine, at that time under the editorial direction of Father Johannes Heim. Since then, at least one new issue has been published almost every year. Thanks to the active collecting activities of the founding members, the association has a considerable collection of artefacts, which are accessible in its own museum. To this day, the association continues its collecting activities, focussing on objects and writings from the March region.
The Freiamt Historical Society was founded in 1926 by former district school teachers in Wohlen. The society conduct research into historical topics relating to Freiamt and has published the annual journal Unsere Heimat since 1927. The society also supports authors who wish to publish on the history of the Freiamt.
The newsletter of the Heimatkundliche Vereinigung Furttal has been published annually since 1963, with a few exceptions. The booklets are always dedicated to a topic related to the Furttal and are written by individual authors. The association has been in existence since 1954 and is primarily concerned with the history of the Furttal and its inhabitants, the cultivation and promotion of local history interests and the written recording of oral traditions and stories.
Founded in 1954, the Società storica locarnese publishes an annual bulletin with studies, documents, reports and reviews of historical, artistic and archaeological interest about the Locarnese and Vallemaggia. From time to time, however, the Società also looks beyond the boundaries of the old Pieve di Locarno! The bulletin has a popular scientific character. Contributors are authors with scientific and non-scientific backgrounds, who always work in accordance with the academic standards of the specialised field.
The Bernisches Historisches Museum was opened on Helvetiaplatz in Berne in 1894. Since its foundation, the museum's collection of historical, archaeological, ethnographic and numismatic artefacts has grown to half a million objects. In its annual report, or from 1921-1970 in the yearbook, the Bernisches Historisches Museum provides information about the museum's operations, the expansion of the collections and their research. From 1923 onwards, the yearbooks grew into extensive volumes which, in addition to the collection reports and lists of additions, increasingly published scientific articles.
The Olten Nature Museum shows the diversity of nature in the Olten region. In the permanent exhibition, almost 300 specimens and objects from the fields of biology and geology tell their stories. The Museum of Nature regularly organises special exhibitions. Since 1982, an accompanying booklet has been published to accompany the museum's own productions.
The Natural History Society of the Canton of Glarus was founded in 1883 and has published its bulletins at irregular intervals since 1885. The society fosters interest in the natural sciences in general and promotes scientific research in the Canton of Glarus in particular. An important concern of the NGG is to support the endeavours of nature conservation in the canton of Glarus.
Umweltradioaktivität und Strahlendosen in der Schweiz = Radioactivité de l'environnement et doses de rayonnements en Suisse = Radioattività dell'ambiente e dosi d'irradiazione in Svizzera
Environmental radioactivity has been continuously monitored in Switzerland since 1956. Since 1986, the monitoring of ionising radiation and radioactivity in the environment has been a statutory mandate of the FOPH. The Radiation Protection Ordinance also obliges the FOPH to publish the results of radioactivity measurements in an annual report. This is organised by topic and contains in-depth explanations, discussions and interpretations.
Iride, the journal of the Department of Economics, Health and Social Sciences (DEASS) at SUPSI, aims to reflect the highly multidisciplinary reality of the department and offers reflections from its three specialisations - economics, health and social work - as well as from the areas in which it operates (research, undergraduate and postgraduate education).
From 1891, the Electro-Homeopathic Institute in Geneva (later Sauter's Institute) published the monthly Annalen der Elektro-Homöopathie und Gesundheitspflege (Annals of Electro-Homeopathy and Health Care) to propagate the healing method developed in Switzerland and to substantiate the treatment successes with case studies. Albert Sauter (1846-1896), a pharmaceutical entrepreneur from Geneva and owner of a homeopathic pharmacy, played a key role in the Annals to promote the then controversial healing method. In 1903, the publishers changed the title and the journal was relaunched as Sauter's Annalen für Gesundheitspflege. The propagation of a generally healthy lifestyle with the support of naturopathic methods and remedies now took centre stage.
The Benedictine monks of Mariastein have been publishing a magazine since 1923, initially under the title Die Glocken von Mariastein. In the magazine, the monks publish interesting articles on theology and faith, liturgy and the church year, the history and present of the monastery. The magazine, which has been called Mariastein since 2011, also covers the topic of pilgrimages as well as information on church services and programmes at the monastery.
The first Federal Constitution of 1848 introduced general freedom of establishment throughout the Confederation. This and the industrialisation that emerged in the second half of the 19th century led to many Catholics moving to the Protestant cantons on the Swiss Plateau in search of work. In order to ensure Catholic pastoral care abroad, the Zug doctor Melchior Zürcher founded the Domestic Mission in 1863, based on the Pius Association (now the Catholic People's Association).
The Bulletin pédagogique was published by the Société fribourgeoise d'éducation and appeared twelve times a year from 1872. In 1968, the title was changed and the Bulletin was renamed Ensemble avec nos garçons et nos filles. However, the volume was continually reduced from this point onwards and the Bulletin appeared for the last time in 1974.
In collaboration with the Swiss National Library NL.
La musique en Suisse was first published in 1901. The editor-in-chief Émile Jaques-Dalcroze was joined by Henri Marteau from the second year until the last issue in June 1904. The magazine aimed to keep readers up to date with musical events at a national level. It saw itself as the French-speaking Swiss counterpart to the Schweizerische Musikzeitung.
The Gazette is the newsletter of the Oldtimer Club Saurer. It was first published in 1990 and in each issue the Gazette authors report on earlier times, on historic commercial vehicles, engines, embroidery and weaving machines. The issues also contain reports on club activities and news from the Saurer Museum in Arbon as well as reports from Saurer drivers who are still on the road.
Additions to journals already accessible on E-Periodica:
- Mitteilungen der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zürich. The "Mitteilungen" of the "Antiquarische" from 2001 onwards are now also online. external page To the issues 1841-ff.
- Ur-Schweiz = La Suisse primitive. The journal of Archaeology Switzerland has recently been renamed arCHaeo Suisse. The predecessors from 1937-1977 have now been added. external page To the issues 1937-1977.
- Cartographica Helvetica. Sonderheft. In addition to the regular Cartographica Helvetica, the special issues are now also available online. external page To the issues 1991-2021.
- Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel. Another regional predecessor of Entomo Helvetica, the Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel, is now online. external page To the issues 1917-2007.
What is E-Periodica?
external page E-Periodica is the platform for Swiss periodicals online and is a service of the ETH Library. The spectrum of topics ranges from natural sciences, architecture, mathematics, history, geography, art and culture to the environment and social policy. On E-Periodica you will find freely accessible journals from the 18th century to the present day. The range is constantly being expanded and supplemented with current issues. external page Find out more.