New additions to E-Periodica

Discover the new additions from a wide range of subject areas in full text on E-Periodica, the ETH Library's platform for digitised Swiss journals. We hope you enjoy browsing, researching, reading and sharing!
Openness of research information – Democratising the use of scientometrics

We are delighted to welcome Professor Ludo Waltman on 24 April 2024, who will postulate a democratisation of the use of scientometrics in the fourth lecture of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics (SYoS).
Networking the Diamond Open Access community in Switzerland

The 1st Diamond Open Access Conference in Switzerland, organised as part of the PLATO project and with the participation of the ETH Library, will take place in March.
Publishing negotiations: Agreement reached with Taylor & Francis

Publishing in Taylor & Francis journals is possible again.
Experience Mars and Titan interactively

AstroRara shows even more astronomical phenomena