Newly digitised journals on E-Periodica
Discover the new additions from various subject areas in full text on E-Periodica, the online platform for digitised Swiss journals.

Comtec: Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnologie = information and telecommunication technology

The journal first appeared in 1917 under the title "Technische Beilage zur Schweizerischen Post-, Zoll- und Telegraphen-Zeitung" (Technical Supplement to the Swiss Post, Customs and Telegraph Newspaper) and reported on technical innovations in the field of telegraphy and telephony. In 1923, the journal was renamed "Technische Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Telegraphen und Telefonverwaltung" (Technical bulletins of the Swiss Telegraph and Telephone Administration). The publisher is now the Telegraph and Telephone Administration or, from 1928, the Swiss Post, Telephone and Telegraph Companies. In 1995, the journal is renamed "ComTec". From now on, the focus of the content is on digital telecommunications. As of 1997, Swisscom is the publisher of ComTec and replaces PTT Telecom. From then on, the magazine is more customer- and market-oriented. In 2005, the magazine ceases publication.
Cadastre: Fachzeitschrift für das schweizerische Katasterwesen

The specialist journal Cadastre is aimed in particular at experts in the fields of cadastral surveying and the cadastre of public-law restrictions on landownership (PLR-cadastre). Cadastre publishes technical and legal articles on cadastral surveying and the PLR-cadastre. The technical journal Cadastre is published three times a year.
Candollea: journal international de botanique systématique = international journal of systematic botany

Candollea publishes original scientific papers in French, English, German, Spanish, Italian or Latin on the systematics, morphology, chorology and ecology of plants, as well as on topics related to phytotaxonomy. The journal is published twice a year by the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève.

The handy Outlines series of the Swiss Institute of Art Studies addresses a specialist audience with the publication of conference proceedings. Founded in 1951, the Swiss Institute of Art Studies (SIK-ISEA) is a centre of excellence in art studies and art technology with a national and international orientation. Its activities focus on research, documentation, knowledge transfer and services in the field of visual arts. Its core area is the creation of art in Switzerland from the Middle Ages to the present.
Basler Jahrbuch für historische Musikpraxis: eine Veröffentlichung der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Lehr- und Forschungsinstitut für Alte Musik an der Musik-Akademie der Stadt Basel

The Basel Yearbook for Historical Music Practice is the result of scholarly engagement with all areas of historical music practice. The volumes in this series, edited by the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis FHNW, were published by Amadeus Verlag from 1977 to 2018. Each volume presents a theme related to the annual symposia of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. In collaboration with the Swiss National Library.
Theologische Zeitschrift

Founded in 1945 by Karl Ludwig Schmidt, the Theologische Zeitschrift is published by the Faculty of Theology at the University of Basel. The journal is not committed to any particular theological direction. It stands in the liberal Basel tradition, is ecumenically oriented and international in its choice of contributors. Its international profile also includes multilingualism. Texts in German, French and English are accepted. The distribution area is worldwide.
Études de Lettres: revue de la Faculté des lettres de l'Université de Lausanne

Founded in 1926, the journal publishes four thematic issues per year. The issues contain contributions by scholars from the University of Lausanne and other Swiss and foreign universities. The contributions cover topics from the entire field of the humanities and alternate between linguistics, literary studies, philosophy, art history and ancient studies. An emphasis is placed on interdisciplinarity.
Archäologie Graubünden. Sonderheft

The special issue of the Archaeology Graubünden publication series of the Archaeological Service Graubünden focuses on research projects from Graubünden in monographic form.
Zentralblatt des Schweizerischen Gemeinnützigen Frauenvereins

The Swiss Non-profit Women's Association (SGF), founded in 1888, published its own magazine from 1913. The SGF is the oldest women's umbrella organisation in Switzerland. The Zentralblatt des Schweizerischen Gemeinnützigen Frauenvereins was the SGF's publication organ and provided monthly information about its activities. In collaboration with the Swiss National Library.
Zeitschriften aus dem Bestand der Stiftung Pestalozzianum

Der freimüthige und unparteiische schweizerische Schulbote external page 1832
Allgemeine schweizerische Schulblätter external page 1835–1845
Die Erzieherin: eine Zeitschrift über weibliche Erziehung external page 1845–1850
Die gewerbliche Fortbildungsschule: Blätter zur Förderung der Interessen derselben in der Schweiz external page 1885–1891
AVO-Zeitung: Information über abteilungsübergreifende Versuche an der Oberschule external page 1977–1992
What is E-Periodica?
E-Periodica is the platform for Swiss journals online and is a service of the ETH Library. The spectrum of topics ranges from natural sciences to architecture, mathematics, history, geography, art and culture to the environment and social policy. You will find freely accessible journals from the 18th century to the present day on E-Periodica. The offer is constantly being expanded and supplemented by current issues.