Openness, exchange, FAIR data - oh brave new world that has such a vision!
Dr Marjan Grootveld, DANS

Openness, exchange, FAIR data - oh brave new world. For some researchers, this is no longer a vision but already their day-to-day reality. For many others, however, terms like ‘open’, ‘FAIR data’* or ‘data exchange’ pose a challenge. What contribution can we make to ensure that new data comply with the FAIR Data Principles, and how can we measure the FAIRness of existing data? “Trust” is a key aspect: Trust that others interpret ‘your’ data correctly for example, or trust in data repositories.
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The speaker will give her presentation virtually via a telepresence robot and also participate in this form in the discussion and apéro. The presentation will be held in English.
*The external page FAIR Data Principles aim to ensure that datasets are findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable.
Dr Marjan Grootveld is a computer linguist and Senior Policy Officer at Data Archiving and Networked Services (external page DANS). DANS is the Netherlands’ institute for permanent access to digital research resources. It provides expert advice to research institutes and research funders in matters relating to data management policy and practice, provides support and training in EU projects such as external page EUDAT and external page OpenAIRE and coaches the participants in the Research Data Netherlands Essentials 4 Data Support training.