Databases, standards, patents

At ETH Zurich, you have access to a large number of bibliographic databases as well as to standards. Search external page ETH Library @ swisscovery for the databases offered or use the access by subject.
- ETH Library @ swisscovery gives you all databases at a glance.
- Access for members of ETH Zurich to licensed databases in the ETH Zurich network
- Access for all external customers to licensed databases on the premises of the ETH Library
Information, tutorials and training courses
Information, tutorials and training courses for groups of five or more people are available by appointment for the following databases.
- chevron_right ACM Digital Library
- chevron_right AGRICOLA, AGRIS
- chevron_right BIOSIS Previews
- chevron_right Business Source Premier
- chevron_right CAB Abstracts
- chevron_right Capital IQ Pro
- chevron_right Connected Papers
- chevron_right Current Contents Connect
- chevron_right Dimensions Analytics
- chevron_right EconLit
- chevron_right Embase
- chevron_right Emerald
- chevron_right Espacenet, Patente
- chevron_right Factiva
- chevron_right FSTA Food Science and Technology Abstracts
- chevron_right GEOBASE
- chevron_right Geofacets
- chevron_right Google Scholar
- chevron_right GeoRef
- chevron_right IMF eLIBRARY
- chevron_right INSPEC
- chevron_right LSEG Workspace
- chevron_right Macrobond
- chevron_right Materials Science & Engineering Database
- chevron_right MathSciNet
- chevron_right MEDLINE
- chevron_right Nexis Uni
- chevron_right normI
- chevron_right NTRL
- chevron_right OECD iLibrary
- chevron_right Orbis
- chevron_right Orbis Intellectual Property
- chevron_right Philosopher's Index
- chevron_right Planet
- chevron_right PsycINFO
- chevron_right PSYNDEX
- chevron_right PubMed
- chevron_right Reaxys
- chevron_right S&P Capital IQ Pro
- chevron_right SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
- chevron_right SciFinder
- chevron_right Scite
- chevron_right Scopus
- chevron_right Sociological Abstracts
- chevron_right Statista
- external page call_made Web of Science Core Collection
- chevron_right zbMATH Open
- Interdisciplinary database of scientific information resources
- On external page ETH Library @ swisscovery, select “swisscovery” in the search box
ASTM, DIN, Electrosuisse, IEEE, SIA, ISO , VDI, IEC
- These standards can be viewed in full text within the ETH network on normI. You can only access the standards DIN, ISO, SIA, SNV and VDI in full text using this database, that is, neither external page ETH Library @ swisscovery nor an Internet search will provide you with access. Access to normI is restricted to members of ETH Zurich. Walk-in users have no access on the premises of the ETH Library.
- Many printed DIN standards can be found on external page ETH Library @ swisscovery by searching for the standard number.
- The ASTM standards are also printed in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. You can find this work on external page ETH Library @ swisscovery.
- The standards of the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects (SIA) can also be consulted in printed form in the Architecture and Civil Engineering Library or in the Reading Room
- The standard works of the Swiss Association of Road and Transport Experts (VSS) are available in the Architecture and Civil Engineering Library.
- You can find other construction standards on external page ETH Library @ swisscovery.
- The inventories and explanations of the standards of the Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies (VDE) can be searched for on external page ETH Library @ swisscovery.
- Under external page SECO, you can find out which technical regulations must be adhered to when launching products on the markets of various countries. Whether changes to legally binding regulations have been announced can be seen viewed under external page Notifications of the WTO and external page EU.
- Espacenet and other sources give you free access to information on patents.
- You can only access the external page Derwent Innovations Index database licensed at ETH Zurich within the domain.