Espacenet, Patente

external pageEspacenet is an online service to search for patents and patent applications in more than 90 countries. The database provides free online access to the full text of the patents.


It is also worth considering the external pageDerwent Innovations Index when you are searching for patents (access only permitted within the domain). Espacenet can then be used to access the full text. If necessary, you should supplement your search with professional research carried out by specialists at a patent office (external pageip-search).


Access to Espacenet is also possible outside of the domain. If you have any technical problems or questions about access rights, please contact the .


Courses are held by appointment. They explain the various search strategies and features using specific examples.


Further freely accessible information on patents

Other patent databases

Important national patent information

All national patent organisations


Dr Roland Suri
  • +41 44 632 39 19
Dr. Roland Suri
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