FSTA Food Science and Technology Abstracts

external pageFSTA is the world's largest bibliographical specialist database in the fields of:

  • Food Sciences
  • Food Science Technology
  • Nutrition


FSTA Previews is a database in the external pageWeb of Science produced by Clarivate Analytics that can be searched at the same time as other Web of Science databases for which the ETH Library has a licence. FSTA comprises a thesaurus, which can only be used when FSTA is searched as a single database.


Access to this database is restricted to the ethz.ch domain due to licensing reasons. If you have any technical problems or questions about access rights, please contact the .


Courses are held by appointment. They explain the various search strategies and features using specific examples.


external pageVideo tutorials by Clarivate Analytics


Ursula Müller
Dates of courses
  • +41 44 632 09 19
Ursula Müller
Franz Johner
  • +41 44 632 57 05
Franz Johner
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