Connected Papers
external page Connected Papers is a search tool for your literature searches. You can use it to discover scientific articles relevant to your own research in a graphically appealing form.
How Connected Papers works
In the search field of Connected Papers, enter the DOI of a scientific article relevant to your research. Based on this, Connected Papers creates a visual representation of thematically similar articles. The couple of dozen articles with the strongest connection to your original article are displayed as a network within a graph.

- Each node in the network is an article.
- Similar articles have bolder connecting lines and form clusters.
- The colour of the node indicates the year of publication.
- The size of the node indicates the number of citations.
- The tool provides a list of the previously published articles (prior works) most frequently cited by the articles in the graph.
- It also shows a list of subsequent articles (derivative works) in which many of the articles shown in the graph are cited.
- You can place the mouse cursor on a node to view more information on the article.
You can explore the results using the network and the lists of prior and derivative works, discovering interesting articles along the way. You can then save these, download them in bib format and transfer them to your reference management program.
Data source
The tool uses external page Semantic Scholar as a data source.
Access Connected Papers
Members of ETH Zurich can use the premium version to create an unlimited number of graphs. To access the premium version, you must register with Connected Papers using your ETH email address (
Should you have any technical problems or questions regarding access authorisation, please write to our database help desk: .
Support and training
Do you need assistance? We would be happy to help you use this tool through our Book a Librarian service.