This page provides information about tools and tips for your information search.
ETH Library @ swisscovery
external page ETH Library @ swisscovery is the central platform and point of entry for your searches. Here you will find media from the ETH Library and around 500 other institutions, including libraries of Swiss universities, universities for applied science and research bodies.
The search results contain all the relevant media related to your query, such as books, newspapers, journals, images, maps and other physical and electronic media. You can filter the results and sort them based on relevance, creator, title or publication year.

By default, searches are made in the “swisscovery without CDI” search scope. This makes use of 30 million books, series, journals and non-book materials from the library holdings, as well as additional data sources such as the Research Collection, E-Pics, E-Periodica, the Material Archive, the ETH Zurich University Archives and platforms of other collections and archives.
If you would also like to search the three billion articles and e-book chapters of the Central Discovery Index (CDI), select the search scope “swisscovery”.
The search scope "swisscovery plus" additionally includes documents of selected Renouvaud libraries and documents without fulltext from the CDI.
The ETH Library has a range of other platforms with digital documents and search tools. These focus on the holdings of our collections and archives. They also include the Material Archive and the Research Collection (publication platform of ETH Zurich).
Further tools for searching with search terms
- Interdisciplinary bibliographic databases:
external page Dimensions
external page Scopus
external page Web of Science - You will find a large selection of bibliographic databases for all subjects at ETH Zurich. These have been selected by our specialist staff and feature a brief description.
Tools for conducting exploratory searches and visualised results
Here are some of our recommendations:
- Based on specialist terms: external page Open Knowledge Maps
- Based on a relevant scientific article:
external page Connected Papers
external page
external page Litmaps
external page Research Rabbit
Manuals, fact sheets
Related links
- chevron_right Connected Papers
- chevron_right Courses at the ETH Library
- chevron_right Dimensions
- chevron_right Acquisition requests
- external page call_made ETH Library @ swisscovery
- chevron_right Locations and opening hours
- chevron_right National negotiations with publishers – Read & publish reorganised
- chevron_right Order forms
- chevron_right Scopus
- external page call_made Web of Science