Capital IQ Pro

external pageCapital IQ Pro (Market Intelligence) is a global financial database, providing news data and analysis covering the following industries: financials, real estate, energy and utilities, materials (metals and mining), insurance (including health insurers), industrials, consumer, technology, media and communications

The economic datasets available include among others:

  • Global economic forecast: detailed medium- and-long term economic forecasts for 206 countries and regional aggregates
  • Economic analytics: timely, historical macroeconomic and financial data provides extensive local coverage for 200+ countries and standardised concepts.
  • Global consumer markets: forecasts for 36 consumer spending categories, demographics, and income distribution across 112 countries
  • Comparative industry service: comparable forecasts including activity, sales, profits, costs, and risk across 105 industry sectors in 75 countries
  • Global construction forecast: comparable forecasts for the global construction industry covering residential and non-residential sectors across 74 countries
  • Industry forecast monitor: top-level supply and demand forecasts across major industries adds an industry dimension to the economic forecast.
  • Industrial commodity price forecast: used by global procurement departments to time buys, analyse supplier cost structures, and benchmark their purchasing performance.
  • Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI): market-moving monthly economic indicators underpinned by PMI surveys covering more than 85% of global GDP.


The collection of real-time research features equity, fixed income, sector, economic, and strategy reports from analysts worldwide. The analyst earnings models can be downloaded in their original Excel format for easy manipulation and there are a variety of search functionality, alerting tools, and links into the portals of top investment banks.


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Courses are held by appointment. They explain the various search strategies and features using specific examples.



Dr Simona Diaconu
  • +41 44 632 21 34
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