Audiovisual media, lectures

For students, researchers and parties with a general interest, films and sound recordings are available in the holdings of the ETH Library and at other ETH Zurich providers.
Introductory and farewell lectures at ETH Zurich
Digital recordings starting in 2002
- Search external page ETH Library @ swisscovery.
- You have online access via ETH Zurich’s Video Portal.
Analogue recordings
- Sound: 1971 to 1986 (incomplete), video: 1987 to 2002
- Search on ETH Library @ swisscovery.
- To place orders, please contact the Image Archive. Depending on copyright restrictions, you can use the recordings in the Reading Room Collections and Archives or on ETH Zurich’s Video Portal.
Events at ETH Zurich
- ETH Alumni Lectures – sound: 1983 to 1985, video: 1986 to 2003
- Wolfgang Pauli Lectures – sound: 1972 to 1983 (incomplete), video: 1986 to 2004
- ETH Day – sound: 1970 to 1984, video: 1985 to 2004 (incomplete)
- Selected events, symposia, celebrations – sound: 1971 to 1984, video: 1985 to 2004
Searching for and using analogue recordings up to 2004
- Search external page ETH Library @ swisscovery.
- To place orders, please contact the Image Archive. Depending on copyright restrictions, you can use the recordings in the Reading Room Collections and Archives or on ETH Zurich’s Video Portal.
Searching for and using digital recordings from 2005 onwards
- Search ETH Library @ swisscovery.
- Use the recordings on ETH Zurich’s Video Portal.
Film material in archives and personal papers
- Films from the personal papers of persons with scientific or content links to ETH Zurich and the institutes of ETH Zurich
- Films from the Swissair Photo Archive
Searching and use
- You have online access via ETH Zurich’s Video Portal.
- The films in the Swissair Photo Archive can only be searched using an internal catalogue.
- To place orders, please contact the Image Archive. Depending on copyright restrictions, you can use the recordings in the Reading Room Collections and Archives or on ETH Zurich’s Video Portal.