Geodata, maps, aerial photos

Take advantage of the ETH Library’s extensive holdings of current and historical map material in the Reading Room Collections and Archives as well as geodata on the GeoVITe platform.
- Scientific, technical and topographic maps as well as atlases from the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries: individual maps, map books, maps of cantonal surveys, city maps, panoramic maps, satellite photographs
- All geodata products of swisstopo and the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and the digital summary maps from cantonal surveying
- Up-to-date and historical aerial photographs of Switzerland (orthophotos and obliquely oriented shots)
- Rare and valuable maps from the eighteenth and nineteenth century
- Some 55,000 folding maps and 1,250 atlases, as well as many CDs and DVDs, are available for borrowing.
- Search for and order all map materials electronically on external page ETH Library @ swisscovery. Use the “Resource type”, “Scale” and “Genre” filter options to refine searches on the ETH Library Search Portal.
- Search also in external page Kartenportal.CH and use the geographical map search for easy and intuitive access.
- Map material is provided in the Reading Room Collections and Archives within two hours and will remain available to you for seven days.
- In the Reading Room Collections and Archives, you can consult maps and atlases that are not available for borrowing. Excerpts of maps can be digitised or copied in colour.
- On request, we would be happy to help you with your search for map material.
- Printed maps can also be found in the Architecture and Civil Engineering Library, the Earth Sciences Library and the Green Library.
Within the scope of the external page Kartenzentrum Zürich, the ETH Library and the Zentralbibliothek Zürich offer a comprehensive range of maps:
- ETH Library: current scientific, technical and topographic maps
- Zentralbibliothek Zürich: current and old topographic maps and panoramas
- All geodata can be searched using the ETH Library Search Portal.
- Due to licensing restrictions, geodata from swisstopo may only be used by employees and students of ETH Zurich for scientific purposes.
- Using the GeoVITe platform, employees and students of ETH Zurich can select, cut out and download the geodata products of swisstopo and selected cantons.
- Further geodata can be borrowed on CD/DVD or be made available on request in the Reading Room Collections and Archives.
- Access to databases is available to members of ETH Zurich in the ETH Zurich network and to all external customers on the premises of the ETH Library.
- On request, we will support you in your search for suitable Internet resources.
- Information on obtaining current swisstopo orthophotos (swissimage, Spot, Landsat) can be found in the “Geodata” section above.
- A small number of analogue orthophotos of swisstopo are not indexed on the ETH Library Search Portal.
- Search a large collection of digitised historical aerial photographs on the ETH Library Search Portal.
ETHorama – Geographic search for documents of the ETH Library

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Manuals, fact sheets
chevron_right Search helpRelated links
- chevron_right Acquisition requests
- chevron_right Aerial photos in the Image Archive Online
- chevron_right ETHorama
- external page call_made Geodata catalogue of the Swiss federal government / cantons
- external page call_made Geoportal of the ESA/FAO
- external page call_made Geoprtal of the Swiss federal government
- chevron_right GeoVITe
- external page call_made GIS Center of the Canton of Zurich
- external page call_made GIS Center of the City of Zurich
- external page call_made Internationales Landkartenhaus Stuttgart
- external page call_made Kartenportal.CH
- chevron_right Locations and opening hours
- external page call_made NaturalEarth, vector data 1:10,000,000
- external page call_made Open Street Map
- external page call_made Swiss topography
- external page call_made Swisstopo: Map Viewer of the Federal Government
- external page call_made SwitzerlandMobility, national map 1:25,000