Open Data

The further development and availability of human knowledge and cultural heritage, as well as open access to it, are shaped by libraries. ETH Library promotes the networking of its data with information from other fields of society and knowledge and thus contributes to shaping the digital cultural heritage of the future.

To this end, ETH Library makes research results, metadata and digital pictorial, graphic and multimedia materials available and supports subsequent use - external page where copyright permits - through the use of Creative Commons licensing and the labelling of works in the external page public domain.

Provision of Open Data

Open Data at the ETH Library refers to bibliographic metadata and digital copies of the ETH Library and pursues the following goals:

  • Open licence: ETH Library makes its data available using the external page Public Domain Mark or a CC0 licence. If the requirements for this are not met, a CC licence is used external page where possible.
  • Transparency: The permissible subsequent use is marked transparently for each data set.
  • Referencing and linking: Data sets are provided with unique and permanent Digital Object Identifiers (DOI).
  • Free download: Data can be downloaded free of charge.
  • Machine readability: Whenever possible, ETH Library makes its data available in an open and machine-readable standard format.
  • Availability: The data is made available via suitable interfaces or platforms.

For Open Data at the ETH Library, the disclaimer of the ETH Zurich applies.


ETH Library has a large and diverse range of platforms with digitized content, which are listed here.

In practice, the ETH Library supports access to its open data via an API Platform. With the Digital Scholarship Services, there is also a specialized contact point for research projects that deal with the library's digitized holdings or are planning projects in this area.

For more information on the handling of results of current scientific research at ETH and their open re-use, please refer to the information on Open Research Data.

If you are planning a text-and-data mining project with media from external providers licensed by the ETH Library, this documentation provides important information. In these cases, please contact the E-Resources team to make the necessary clarifications with the relevant providers.


Collections and Archives
  • +41 44 632 21 82
  • Email
Michael Gasser
Portrait Michael Gasser
Dr. Christiane Sibille