Analysing scientific output and impact
Bibliometrics involve statistical evaluation of scientific publications by researchers, departments, institutions or entire countries. In these evaluations, the number of publications and citations is determined for a specific period. In addition, to enable comparisons, the results are generally normalised.
Bibliometrics can help in terms of “measuring” the scientific output and determining the response to the publications and their impact.
For example, typical queries include:
- How many papers have the researchers in a department published during the last five or ten years, and in which scientific journals?
- How frequently have the researchers’ publications been cited?
- How many publications involved interdisciplinary cooperation and what were the disciplines of the cooperating researchers?
- On what topics have individual researchers or entire departments primarily published?
- Are the publications discussed on social media? If yes, on which media?
Diverse tools enable a simple and rapid evaluation:

We can provide individual advice on the topic of bibliometrics, assist you with your analyses and also generate bibliometric profiles and reports upon request.
You can also use the Book a Librarian service for conducting bibliometrics.
The ETH Library also provides additional bibliometric services. For example, we can help you to optimise your publication strategies and market your publications:
- In which journals should you be publishing in order to increase your visibility and reach?
- How and on which preprint servers can you publish your papers in advance?
- What reactions do your publications generate on social media and how can social media help to improve the visibility of your publications?