Altmetric Explorer for ETH Zurich
Altmetric Explorer shows the attention your research results are garnering outside the traditional publication channels.
You can use the external page Altmetric Explorer database to find out how frequently your research output is mentioned in different sources.
Which individual’s, group’s or institute’s publications are mentioned in which source (e.g. a daily newspaper or a blog, on Twitter, or in a patent or policy document)? How often are they mentioned and what are their distribution rates in terms of time and countries?
This page explains the basic functions and services of Altmetric Explorer for ETH Zurich faculty, staff and students.
ETH publications
By default, Altmetric Explorer will only display results for ETH Zurich research output. To call up the complete Altmetric database, go to “Edit search” and change the setting to “Full Altmetric database”.
All the publications marked as ETH publications in the Research Collection are treated as verified ETH research output in Altmetric Explorer and marked with a blue tick:

Any research output not marked with a blue tick does not come from ETH Zurich:

ETH Zurich research output which has not yet been given an Altmetric Attention Score is shown with a grey doughnut:

My institution
On the “My institution” page, you can view the ETH Zurich organisational units (including their codes) under “Departments” and call up the corresponding results (i.e. research output with mentions) at various levels – e.g. department, institution or professorship – using “View results”.

“Authors” displays an alphabetical index of the ETH authors who
a) have an ORCID;
b) have linked their ORCID to their ETH profile; and
c) have entered their publications in the Research Collection using their ORCID.
All mentions of the research output published by an author can also be called up here using “View results”.
Please note: Unfortunately, the affiliations shown in the author index are not correct. This cannot currently be amended.
Access and account
Due to licensing reasons, access to this database is limited to ETH Zurich faculty, staff and students. To access the database, please enter your ETH email and log in using your ETH username. You can use your Altmetric Explorer account to save your searches, set up alerts and generate reports.
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Get started with Explorer for Institutions: external page Video, 16 min.