Doctoral theses, reports

The ETH Library is at your disposal for research on doctoral theses of ETH Zurich as well as other colleges and universities. In addition, you will find numerous reports (research reports) in either printed form or on microfiche.
Doctoral theses
At the ETH Library you will find all doctoral theses of ETH Zurich and selected doctoral theses of other institutions.
All ETH Zurich doctoral theses are available in both printed and electronic form. The full text of most electronic doctoral theses can be accessed. In other cases, only the abstract is accessible. The doctoral theses of other colleges and universities are only available in printed form.
Searching and use
Doctoral theses of ETH Zurich can be searched for on external page ETH Library @ swisscovery. There you will find a link to the electronic version.
You can also use the ETH Zurich Research Collection document server to search for doctoral theses of ETH Zurich. This platform offers the following functions:
- Full text search
- Browse by author, organisational unit, document type and year
- Download abstracts and/or full texts
Doctoral theses from other colleges and universities
To do this, please use the catalogues of the respective libraries. Various colleges and universities operate document servers that provide access to doctoral theses in electronic form.
- external page Archive ouverte UNIGE: University of Genevy
- external page Cyberdocuments RERO à l'Université de Lausanne: University of Lausanne
- external page e-Doc UNI BASEL: University Library of Basel
- external page EDIS: University of St.Gallen
- external page eThesis: University of Freiburg
- external page RERO DOC: RERO-Verbund
- external page Thèses de l'Université de Lausanne: BCU Lausanne
- external page ZORA – University of Zurich: University of Zurich
- external page Dissonline und Online-Dissertationen an der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek – Portal of the German National Library: electronic dissertations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- external page Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) – Mainly electronic dissertations from the USA and Great Britain, also from Canada and European countries
- external page DART-Europe E-theses Portal – Electronic dissertations and other theses from Europe
- external page ProQuest Dissertations and Theses is the most extensive reference database for American dissertations (without full text).
- external page Open Access Theses and Dissertations
Reports are research reports issued by public and private institutions.
Printed reports
Printed reports from domestic and foreign research institutions in the ETH Library’s extensive collection can be searched and borrowed from external page ETH Library @ swisscovery.
Some of ETH Zurich’s reports have an electronic version that you can access freely through the Research Collection.
Reports on microfiche
At the ETH Library, you also have access to a collection of around two million reports on microfiche.
- Topics: technology and natural sciences, in particular energy technology and nuclear research, along with social, economic and political science subject areas
- Period: from 1910 to the end of the 1990s
- Origin: mainly the USA, European countries and Switzerland
Search the external page National Technical Reports Library (NTIS) database (access only within the ETH Zurich network) and order the report you want from the ETH Library by following the “Order article” link.
- external page call_made Defense Technical Information Center DTIC
- external page call_made NASA Technical Report Server (USA)
- external page call_made NTIS National Technical Information Service
- external page call_made NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USA)
- external page call_made OSTI Office of Scientific and Technical Information (USA)
- external page call_made RAND Corporation (USA)