Images, photographs, graphics

In the ETH Library, you will find a variety of important analogue and digital image holdings, including photographs, graphical works and paintings.
Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich
- The largest Swiss collection of printed graphic works and drawings from the fifteenth century to the present
- Focus: old masters and Swiss printed graphic works of the twentieth century
- Search on Graphische Sammlung Online.
Image Archive
- In the Image Archive, you will find over three and a half million historical photographs, postcards, aerial photos, portraits and much more. Digitised images can be searched for on ETH Library @ swisscoveryand on E-Pics Image Archive Online
- Digitised plant, insect and habitat images by nature photographers Albert Krebs, Hans R. Reinhard and others are available on E-Pics Animals, Plants and Biotopes. You can find original flower analyses by Hans R. Reinhard on external page e-manuscripta.
Max Frisch Archive
- In the Max Frisch Archive, you will find text documents as well as photographs from the writer’s personal papers.
- Search for digitised pictures on E-Pics Max Frisch Archive.
Rare Books
- Digitised, graphical individual sheets from valuable books and magazines from the second half of the fifteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century
- Search external page ETH Library @ swisscovery and E-Pics Rare Books.
Thomas Mann Archives
- In the Thomas Mann Archives, you will find text documents as well as photographs, postcards, paintings and drawings from the writer’s personal papers.
- You can search for digitised images on E-Pics Thomas Mann Archives