Scientific writing

Are you writing your Bachelor’s, Master’s or doctoral thesis, or any other kind of scientific text? The tasks associated with research range from finding a topic and formulating the research question, searching and managing references, reading scientific texts, structuring the paper, using scientific language, revising the text to finally publishing it. Correct citation to avoid plagiarism as well as good time and project management are also central.
We are happy to support you in your writing process and have put together an extensive range of courses and advisory services for this purpose:

- Academic project and time management: from planning to publishing
- Citing correctly – avoiding plagiarism: the safe way to the scientific text
- Discover smart note taking
- Get writing – overcome your writer’s block
- Mastering scientific writing with AI-based tools
- Ready for Take-off: how to start your Bachelor's and Master's thesis
- Revising scientific texts
- Screen, scan, search: reading scientific texts
- Your scientific text – convincing and relevant
Moodle self-study courses
We also offer self-study courses on the Moodle teaching and learning platform to support your academic work.
- Ready for take-off: how to start your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis guides you through the first steps of your thesis, providing all necessary information in German and English.
- AI-based tools for scientific writing and research introduces you to digital tools that can enhance your writing and research process.
Please check the course catalogue and Moodle to see if there are any lectures on scientific writing in your course or department.
You can find information on Bachelor’s and Master’s theses in the student portal and on doctoral theses by visiting the website of the relevant department.
In addition, the following courses and information are available to those involved in teaching:
- Courses in continuing education in teaching and learning at UZH and ETH Zurich: Didactica

Do you prefer advice tailored to your requirements? We will be happy to assist you:
Or book a external page consultation with a writing expert of the Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich to obtain feedback on a selection of a few pages of your English text.

Below, you will find – sorted by subject area – points of contact, courses and references to further information provided by the ETH Library and ETH Zurich:
Check out our courses:
- Ready for take-off: how to start your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis
- Moodle course Ready for take-off: how to start your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis
- Time and project management for the Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis
Information on the topic:
- Tools for daily student life provided by the Counselling & Coaching specialist office of ETH Zurich
Check out our courses:
- Reading scientific texts
- Information and courses on the topic of Managing references
Check out our courses:
- Get writing – overcome your writer’s block
- Mastering scientific writing with AI-based tools
- Revising scientific texts
- Writing scientific papers and theses
Check out the courses of other providers:
- Semester courses external page Academic/Scientific writing in English of the Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich
- Seminars on academic writing provided by the Doctoral Administration of ETH Zurich
- Introduction to LaTeX of Compicampus of IT Services of ETH Zurich
Information on the topic:
- external page Academic Phrasebank, University of Manchester
- Download Checklist revising scientific texts (PDF, 146 KB) provided by the ETH Library
- Language style guides and glossaries provided by Corporate Communications
Check out our courses and advisory services:
- Course: Citing correctly – avoiding plagiarism: the safe way to the scientific text
- Advice: Avoid plagiarism by knowing how to cite correctly (Book a Librarian)
Avoiding plagiarism, good scientific practice
- Plagiarism: Citation Etiquette and Declaration of Originality (Student portal of ETH Zurich)
- Prevention of plagiarism
- Disciplinary procedures regarding plagiarism (Academic Services of ETH Zurich)
- Scientific integrity (Office of Research of ETH Zurich)
Information on the topic:
Citations, references, bibliographies
- external page Cite Them Right (access only for members of ETH Zurich)
- external page Chicago Manual of Style (access only for members of ETH Zurich)
- external page Citation Guide of the University Library, Technical University Munich
- external page Avoiding Plagiarism of the Excelsior Online Writing Lab
- external page Plagiarism Overview of the Purdue Online Writing Lab
Image rights, image licences
Information on the topic:
- Information and guidelines regarding the publication of doctoral theses
- Services related to electronic publishing provided by the ETH Library
- Information on open-access publishing provided by the ETH Library
- Information on scientific publishing provided by Corporate Communications
Communication, presentations
- Offers on media work and communications consulting provided by Corporate Communications
- Communication Academy of Corporate Communications
Career planning, letters of application
- Offers of the ETH Zurich Career Center: CV-Workshop and CV-Checks as well as video on interview training
Many universities offer extensive information about scientific writing. We have compiled a selection for you:
- external page Advise on Academic Writing, Writing Center at the University of Toronto
- external page Materials & Tips, provided by the Writing Center of TU Dresden
- external page Purdue Online Writing Lab, Purdue University
- external page Research Writing, Australian National University
- external page Researcher Academy, Elsevier
- external page Study Hub learning resources, The University of Edinburgh
- external page Thesis Writer, ZHAW
- external page Tips & tools for learning, Learning Center of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- external page Tips & tools for writing, Writing Center of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- external page Knowledge Base, Scribbr
- external page Writing Resources, Writing Center of the George Mason University
- external page Reading Centre, University of Teacher Education, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
Please find literature on the following topics in ETH Library @ swisscovery
Writing@ETH Network
Writing@ETH is a network for people from the ETH Domain who deal with topics related to scientific writing. These include reading, citation, plagiarism prevention, scientific English, publishing and other aspects.
The network has the following goals:
- To promote contact and utilise synergies
- To share experiences and best practices
- To present current issues and projects
- To follow trends and discuss developments
- To develop new services and evaluate tools
- To form a pool of experts
These activities also help to attract attention to this subject within the university.
Our next events: in planning
Members include staff from libraries, the Rectorate, the administrative department Educational Development and Technology (LET), the Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich and educational developers from the departments.
Interested in being part of the network? Then us.
We would of course be delighted if you would like to get involved in one of the working groups as well.
The ETH Library is responsible for coordinating the network.
Related Links
- chevron_right AI in Teaching and Learning
- Download vertical_align_bottom Checklist revising scientific texts (PDF, 146 KB)
- Download vertical_align_bottom Checklist time and project management (PDF, 143 KB)
- external page call_made Cite Them Right (online referencing tool)
- chevron_right Courses at the ETH Library
- external page call_made Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich
- chevron_right Managing references
- Download vertical_align_bottom Peer Feedback – how it works (PDF, 122 KB)