Your scientific text – convincing and relevant
A scientific text consists of different parts, each of which fulfils a specific purpose. In this course you will learn how a scientific text is structured and how you can best present your scientific results through good argumentation.

A person is structuring a text. (Illustration: Storyset)
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- What does scientific argumentation mean?
- Structure and components of a scientific text (IMRad structure).
- Laying the foundations for a trustworthy and objective text.
- Convincing readers of you own scientific position.
Learning objectives
At the end of the course, you will be able to
- identify content, textual and linguistic elements that support your argument,
- structure your own scientific text in such a way that the content is in the right part and the reader’s questions are answered in the right place,
- relate your own text and thus your scientific findings to other texts,
- understand that there are subject-specific conventions.
Target audience
- Bachelor students
- Master students
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