ISBN allocation

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) uniquely identifies books and other media. Bookstores use it in their product management systems; libraries use it for their ordering systems and catalogues. The ETH Library issues ISBNs for individual publications by ETH Zurich members and institutes.

How do I request an ISBN?

Send an email to  with the following information:

  • Your first and last name, your ETH department, your address
  • The first and last names of all authors
  • The title of the publication
  • The scheduled date of publication

Good to know

Two specimen copies

Once your work is published, please send one specimen copy to the ETH Library and one to the Swiss National Library. Please include the note “ISBN specimen copy” in the address block on the copy for the ETH Library and send it to:

ETH Zurich
ETH Library
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zurich


E-Publishing Office
  • +41 44 632 72 22
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