News articles

All stories that have been tagged with Research & Science

Webinar: Get your writing project started, prevent plagiarism and publish

  • Event
  • Open access
  • Research & Science
  • Books and Library

Publishing Negotiations: Crucial Agreement Reached with Elsevier

  • Open access
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

ETH Library promotes Open Science: support for further important initiatives

  • Open access
  • Project
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Research & Science

Publishing negotiations: Read & Publish Agreement with World Scientific

  • Open access
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

SNSF project approved? We help with the data management plan

  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Research & Science

Assessing and protecting nature globally: thanks to deep learning methods

  • Event
  • Research & Science

Data stewardship in large research infrastructures? Find out how it works in the BedrettoLab

  • Project
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Research & Science

Openness of research information – Democratising the use of scientometrics

  • Event
  • Project
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science
  • Open Data

Publishing negotiations: Agreement reached with Taylor & Francis

  • Open access
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

Open Access: free publishing now possible in even more journals

  • Open access
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

Stalemate in negotiations with publishers: These are ETH Library's solutions from January 2024

  • Open access
  • Media
  • Publication
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

SYoS-Lecture: Responsible assessment of open science

  • Event
  • Project
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science
  • Open Data

17:15 Colloquium of the ETH Library: Realising the full potential of digital collections

  • Event
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

Do you have a data management plan for your approved SNSF project?

  • #KnowHow
  • More than just data
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Research & Science

Interview: Data Stewardship at the Departmental Level – Insights from D-HEST

  • Project
  • Moving forward together
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • #FocusHuman
  • swisscovery
  • Research & Science
  • Open Data

Preserving hard-earned data – It Takes a Library

  • Libraries
  • Storytelling
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

Understanding Research Quality as Basis of Research Assessment

  • Event
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

New Moodle course: "Find your reference management software!"

  • #KnowHow
  • #ETHLibrary4Students
  • More than just data
  • swisscovery
  • Research & Science
  • Writing, managing references
  • Books and Library

Keeping up the pace – It Takes a Library

  • Libraries
  • Storytelling
  • Room for more
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

Webinar: Get your writing project started, prevent plagiarism and publish

  • #KnowHow
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Event
  • Open access
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science
  • Books and Library

The second lecture of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics: reframing scientometrics

  • #KnowMore
  • Open Data
  • Research & Science

TOBI: an app to track open scholarly metadata is now available

  • #KnowMore
  • swisscovery
  • Research & Science

Interview: Data Stewardship for Monitoring Air Travel Emissions Data at ETH Zurich

  • Project
  • Moving forward together
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science
  • Open Data

Swiss Year of Scientometrics off to successful start with first lecture

  • Event
  • Project
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science
  • Open Data

Online Information Fair: ETH Library – Your partner for managing the research life cycle

  • #KnowHow
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Event
  • Open access
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science
  • Books and Library

The first lecture of the Swiss Year of Scientometrics: opportunities and challenges

  • Event
  • Project
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science
  • Open Data

Interview: A vision for Open Science and Data Stewardship at ETH Zurich

  • Project
  • Moving forward together
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • #FocusHuman
  • swisscovery
  • Research & Science
  • Open Data

Evaluating research performance – possibilities and limits

  • Event
  • Project
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science
  • Open Data

Thomas Mann manuscripts online

  • Digitisation
  • Culture & art
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

Agreement reached with Oxford University Press to resolve access blocks

  • Open access
  • Media
  • #KnowMore
  • swisscovery
  • Research & Science
  • Information research

New feature for the Research Collection: publication of large datasets

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Art and Artificial Intelligence

  • Event
  • Moving forward together
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

Data management plans for the SNSF

  • #KnowHow
  • More than just data
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Research & Science

Graph – analysing text reuse in rare books

  • Digitisation
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

New Guidelines for Research Data Management: how the ETH Library supports you

  • #KnowHow
  • More than just data
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Research & Science

Save the Date: IATUL Fall Seminar 2022

  • Event
  • Moving forward together
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

New software environment for the registration of DOIs with DataCite

  • #KnowHow
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

How to go open access

  • #KnowHow
  • Event
  • Open access
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Max Frisch’s correspondence

  • Event
  • Culture & art
  • Moving forward together
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

Keep informed – freely available resources on the Russo-Ukrainian War

  • Media
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • swisscovery
  • Research & Science

Online Information Fair: ETH Library – Your partner for managing the research life cycle

  • #KnowHow
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Event
  • Open access
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science
  • Books and Library

NAHIMA– Natural science collections online

  • #KnowHow
  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Bibliometrics help you with your research

  • #KnowHow
  • More than just data
  • Bibliometrics
  • Research & Science

#TreasureTroves – Highlights from our collections and archives

  • Storytelling
  • Culture & art
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Data management plans for the SNSF

  • #KnowHow
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Research & Science

Research data management and related topics: know-how for your research project

  • #KnowHow
  • Event
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

See, recognise, discover – new photographs on E-Pics

  • Digitisation
  • Culture & art
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

Access to open-access articles for members of ETH Zurich as of 2022

  • Open access
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science
  • Books and Library

Thomas Mann manuscripts online

  • Digitisation
  • Culture & art
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

There’s life in the old bug yet – On the trail of aquatic insects thought to be extinct

  • Storytelling
  • #KnowMore
  • ETH Library
  • Research & Science

Data management plan instructions: Specific support for ETH Zurich researchers

  • #KnowHow
  • More than just data
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Research & Science

Listen and reflect – fifth Thomas Mann Lecture in two languages and online

  • Event
  • Culture & art
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

Albert Einstein – from mediocre student to Nobel Prize winner

  • Storytelling
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Open access – Don’t miss the deadline for funding applications

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Thomas Mann and crowd psychology – Save the date

  • Event
  • Culture & art
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

ETH Library Lab: Learn all about the innovation lab and its exciting projects

  • Event
  • Moving forward together
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

How to go Open Access

  • #KnowHow
  • Event
  • Open access
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Research data management and related topics: know-how for your research project

  • #KnowHow
  • ETH Library
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Administrative departments
  • Administration
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

When cows meet robots: Agricultural sciences at ETH Zurich

  • Storytelling
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Hone your scientific research skills with the ETH Library courses

  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Event
  • Open access
  • swisscovery
  • Learning
  • Writing, managing references
  • Research & Science
  • Books and Library

TAIR – The database for the plant Arabidopsis thaliana

  • Media
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

New: Author names in the Research Collection and People Search

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Thomas Mann International – network to consolidate research and promote exchange

  • #KnowHow
  • Digitisation
  • Culture & art
  • Platform
  • Moving forward together
  • Research & Science

Data management plans for the SNSF

  • #KnowHow
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Research & Science

Dimensions Analytics: comprehensive view of publications

  • #KnowHow
  • Media
  • More than just data
  • swisscovery
  • Research & Science

Experience knowledge at Octavo – The collections and archives of ETH Zurich

  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • Exhibition
  • Research & Science

Open access funding: limited fee absorption as of December 2021

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Gain insights with bibliometric evaluations

  • #KnowHow
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Across rivers and gorges. Switzerland and its bridge-builders

  • Storytelling
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

In perfect balance – The Gömböc G 1854, a new item in our collection

  • Media
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Read and Publish agreement with Wiley for transparent, global publications

  • Open access
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • swisscovery
  • Research & Science

In the service of research and teaching: watch the e-rara anniversary event

  • Event
  • Platform
  • #KnowMore
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

How to go Open Access

  • Event
  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Data management plans for the SNSF

  • #KnowHow
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • Research & Science

The ETH Library extends open-access funding

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

More knowledge, more benefits – Stay up to date with Feedly

  • #KnowHow
  • More than just data
  • swisscovery
  • Research & Science

De Quervain’s 1912 Greenland expedition and more – Our oldest films are online

  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Media
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

Historic School Board Minutes with a new look

  • #KnowHow
  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • More than just data
  • Research & Science

Graph – analysing text reuse in rare books

  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on education in Switzerland

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Research & Science

CYBATHLON 2020 – moving people and technology

  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

The ETH Library is providing funding for publications relating to the COVID-19 pandemic

  • #KnowHow
  • Search Portal
  • Research & Science

Make your research data more visible in the Web of Science – Data Citation Index

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Search Portal
  • Platform
  • Research & Science

Sustainability and scalability in the protection of coral reefs

  • Storytelling
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

Hands-on knowledge – The new Collection of Scientific Instruments and Teaching Aids

  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

Interactive science quiz for curious minds and those with a thirst for knowledge

  • Libraries
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

“Documented landscape” - vol. no. 7 in the “Image Worlds” series

  • Publication
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

The former Chemistry building and colour research at ETH Zurich

  • Event
  • Culture & art
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

Thomas Mann-Handschriften online

  • Digitisation
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

Spiel Dich schlau! Quiz, virtueller Globus & interaktives Malen

  • Event
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

Persistent identifiers in research

  • #KnowHow
  • Event
  • Digitisation
  • Research & Science

Im Rückblick: ETH Research Data Management Summer School 2019

  • #KnowHow
  • Event
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

Datenmanagementpläne für den SNF

  • #KnowHow
  • Research & Science

Neuer Katalog «Rostpilze auf Solanaceae» auf E-Pics

  • Publication
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

Open Access: Weitere Publikationsmöglichkeiten für ETH-Angehörige

  • #KnowHow
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

ETH Research Data Management Summer School 2019

  • #KnowHow
  • Event
  • Research & Science

ETH-Bibliothek übernimmt Open-Access-Publikationsgebühren bei der Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Publication
  • Research & Science
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