Thomas Mann and crowd psychology – Save the date

As part of the Thomas Mann Lectures, which are currently being held virtually, Professor Judith Ryan discusses the author’s literary examination of contemporary theories on crowd psychology.

Foto von Thomas Mann

If you’re interested in literature, we recommend taking the time to learn about Thomas Mann and the fundamental and topical issues surrounding his work, and to listen to some internationally leading literary thinkers.

The fifth Thomas Mann Lecture

On 16 November 2021, from 6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m., Professor Judith Ryan from Harvard University is giving a lecture on Thomas Mann’s 1930 novella «Mario and the Magician». In her lecture, the renowned literary scholar analyses how the author used examples to highlight contemporary theories on crowd psychology phenomena. She discusses how an understanding of mass psychology phenomena was already apparent in Mann’s first novel, «Buddenbrooks», published in 1901.

Virtual in English and German

Judith Ryan will hold her lecture in German. A simultaneous translation into English will also be made available. If you would like to receive the direct link to the lecture and further information on the virtual event by email, please register by emailing .

Alternatively, you can join this virtual event without registering by clicking the link on the website of the Thomas Mann Archives. The link to the virtual event will be published here on 16 November 2021.

International research

The Thomas Mann Lectures see internationally renowned literary scholars invited to lecture at ETH Zurich every year. The series of lectures is organised by the Thomas Mann Archives in collaboration with the Professorship of Literary and Cultural Studies at ETH Zurich. The lectures address fundamental and topical issues inherent in Thomas Mann’s oeuvre and are aimed both at the interested general public as well as an academic audience.

Quick summary

  • “Thomas Mann and crowd psychology” – Lecture as part of the Thomas Mann Lectures
  • Speaker: Professor Judith Ryan, Robert K. and Dale J. Weary Professor of German and Comparative Literature, Harvard University
  • 16 November 2021, 6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.
  • (Optional) registration and event link via email at
  • Attend without registering via the link on the Thomas Mann Archives website

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