Data management plans for the SNSF
The semi-annual deadline for applications for project funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is approaching (01 October 2022).
SNSF applications must include a data management plan (DMP). The DMP is created online in external page mySNF and is considered as a draft at this stage. It should be updated during the course of the project and must be available in its final form at the end of the project, at the latest.
The ETH Library’s Research Data Management team supports researchers at ETH Zurich in creating their DMPs and offers advice as well as reviews of individual DMPs.
Practical tips for preparing your DMP for the SNSF can be found in the step-by-step guide created in a project by the ETH Library in collaboration with the EPFL Library and other partners. For research projects without explicit funder requirements, we provide a general DMP template and corresponding instructions which take into account the specific conditions at ETH Zurich.