News articles

All stories that have been tagged with Publication

Use of the plagiarism detection software Turnitin Similarity at ETH Zurich

  • Publication
  • Writing, managing references

Publishing Negotiations: Crucial Agreement Reached with Elsevier

  • Open access
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

Publishing negotiations: Read & Publish Agreement with World Scientific

  • Open access
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

New additions to E-Periodica

  • Digitisation
  • Platform
  • Media
  • Publication
  • swisscovery
  • Information research

Networking the Diamond Open Access community in Switzerland

  • Event
  • Open access
  • Project
  • Publication

Publishing negotiations: Agreement reached with Taylor & Francis

  • Open access
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

Open Access: free publishing now possible in even more journals

  • Open access
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

Stalemate in negotiations with publishers: These are ETH Library's solutions from January 2024

  • Open access
  • Media
  • Publication
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

Open access to a new therapy – It Takes a Library

  • Libraries
  • Open access
  • Storytelling
  • Publication
  • Room for more
  • #FocusHuman

The industrial and railway world of Hans-Peter Bärtschi in his photographs and in a new book

  • Event
  • Digitisation
  • Culture & art
  • Moving forward together
  • Publication
  • #FocusHuman

The ETH Zurich Research Collection is awarded the CoreTrustSeal

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Platform
  • Publication
  • More than just data

Landscapes of knowledge – 50 years of map collections in the ETH Library

  • Event
  • Publication
  • More than just data
  • #KnowMore

A new kind of literature search – create knowledge maps with Open Knowledge Maps

  • #KnowHow
  • Platform
  • Publication
  • swisscovery
  • More than just data
  • Books and Library

Working efficiently with the ETH Library @ swisscovery

  • Platform
  • #ETHLibrary4Students
  • Publication
  • swisscovery
  • Information research
  • Books and Library

2020 annual report of the Thomas Mann Archives

  • Publication
  • #KnowMore

ETH Library Kaleidoscope 2020

  • Publication
  • #KnowMore

Finding journals quickly and easily

  • #KnowHow
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • #ETHLibrary4Students
  • Publication
  • Administrative departments
  • swisscovery
  • Information research
  • Books and Library

New arrangements for reading and publishing – An interim report on the negotiations with the major publishers

  • Open access
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Publication
  • #KnowMore
  • Information research

ETH Zurich joins the SciPost publication portal

  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Publication
  • #KnowMore
  • Open Data

ETH Library – a valued partner of the scientific community

  • Publication
  • #FocusHuman

Kaleidoscope 2019 ETH Library

  • Publication
  • #KnowMore

Read and Publish agreement with Springer Nature

  • Open access
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Publication
  • #KnowMore

Publishing in Elsevier journals

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Publication

“Documented landscape” - vol. no. 7 in the “Image Worlds” series

  • Publication
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

ETH Library Annual Report 2018

  • Publication
  • #KnowMore

Im Rückblick: ETH Research Data Management Summer School 2019

  • #KnowHow
  • Event
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

Himmel und Zahlen in alten Drucken

  • Platform
  • Publication
  • #KnowMore

Neuer Katalog «Rostpilze auf Solanaceae» auf E-Pics

  • Publication
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

60 000 Bilder mit grossem industriekulturellem Wert frei verfügbar

  • Publication
  • Digitisation
  • #KnowMore

Open Access: Weitere Publikationsmöglichkeiten für ETH-Angehörige

  • #KnowHow
  • Publication
  • Research & Science

ETH-Bibliothek übernimmt Open-Access-Publikationsgebühren bei der Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

  • #KnowHow
  • Open access
  • Publication
  • Research & Science
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