ETH Zurich joins the SciPost publication portal

Independent publishing: SciPost gives ETH Zurich researchers an additional way of publishing their research results as open-access articles without relying on commercial providers.

external pageSciPost is an open-access publication portal that is funded through university and institutional memberships rather than article processing charges (APC). Authors and readers can use its services free of charge. The portal was initially founded as a physics resource consisting of three journals, external pageSciPost Physics, external pageSciPost Physics Proceedings and external pageSciPost Physics Lecture Notes. Today, users of the portal can publish their research findings in external page14 journals specialising in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics.

Submit your publication data through the external pagearXiv pre-print server. Peer reviews are published within the scope of an open peer review process.

Do you have any questions about the new membership? will be happy to help you.

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