ETH Library – a valued partner of the scientific community
Between November 2019 and March 2020, ETH Library conducted an online survey on satisfaction and its image among its most important customers, the scientific community.

The high level of satisfaction shows that ETH Library with its range of services meets the needs of its customers. Nevertheless, the survey also indicated the potential for optimisation. Read the most important results of the survey in the external page Summary Report in the Research Collection.
Very good overall ratings
Overall satisfaction is high and stood at 4.36 out of 5 possible points. Around 87 percent – and therefore the clear majority of the people surveyed – would recommend ETH Library and its services. Customers experience ETH Library as a useful, competent and professional institution that is highly regarded in the scientific community and provides clear and credible communication.
Information provision – especially important and above-average in quality
The prepared and provided content (e.g. electronic and printed books and journals) is the most often used of our services. The respondents also view it as the most important one, rating it with 4.52 out of 5 possible points. Satisfaction with this service is high: the range of resources and access to content are the reasons most often given for why customers would recommend ETH Library.
In future, ETH Library will continue to focus especially on maintaining, updating and extending its range of available content and resources in accordance with customers’ needs.
Infrastructure – essential for ETH students
ETH students regard the infrastructure (incl. study spaces) as the most important library service, rating it with 4.41 out of 5 possible points. At the same time, this aspect was the one most criticised by students. Among other things mentioned were the number of spaces, technical equipment, available learning settings and opening hours.
ETH Library is already constantly working on the issues in this area, closely cooperating with the people responsible for learning environments at ETH.
Publication services – support wanted
Researchers at ETH Zurich – especially professors, assigning 4.29 out of 5 points – regard the publication services of ETH Library (e.g. the Research Collection publication platform) as important. A total of 17 percent of ETH researchers would like greater support in publishing research results. The expressed criticism referred primarily to data submission and storage. We will be taking a closer look at these matters and addressing them in a direct dialogue with our customers, if possible.
Greater simplicity desired
Respondents perceive the complexity of our research tools and platforms as rather high. ETH Library is aware of this situation and will be pursuing further improvements within the existing dependencies. Besides simplifications in tools and platforms, advisory services and course offerings are another way to address and reduce complexity. Customers expressed the desire for advisory services and course offerings when asked how ETH Library could provide better support, for example.
We are very pleased about the overall positive result, and we appreciate the indicated potential for improvement. It is important for ETH Library to continue constantly optimising its range of services with the focus on customer-centricity, so that it can go on providing services optimally tailored to its customers.
The survey was aimed at researchers, students, and technical and administrative staff of ETH Zurich and other public research institutions as well as members of companies. The survey was conducted in cooperation with the independent Zurich market research institute publitest – mafo concept GmbH. Around 1,800 people took part in the survey, including over 1,000 members of ETH Zurich.