New arrangements for reading and publishing – An interim report on the negotiations with the major publishers
The concluded Read-and-Publish agreements cover both the costs of access and publishing in the relevant scientific journals. The costs are covered by the ETH Library.

In the negotiations on university access to publicly funded publications, swissuniversities was able to successfully conclude a Read-and-Publish agreement with the major publishers Elsevier and Springer Nature in 2020.
Members of ETH Zurich not only have access to almost all journals on ScienceDirect but have also been able to publish free of charge with open access in all journals of Elsevier since spring 2020. For more information on the agreement with Elsevier, see the news item of 15 April 2020.
Springer Nature
A Read and Publish agreement was also concluded with Springer Nature this summer, enabling members of ETH Zurich to publish free of charge in almost all Springer Nature journals with open access since 1 July 2020. In addition, the ETH Zurich community is also given access to almost all of the publisher’s journals. Further details of the agreement with Springer Nature are reported in the news item of 1 July 2020.
Wiley and other publishers
A Read and Publish agreement is also being sought with Wiley, the third large publishing house. Although negotiations between swissuniversities and Wiley are currently in progress, the outcome remains uncertain. However, the existing licence has been renewed for licence year 2020, and access to all Wiley journals is available to members of ETH Zurich without restriction.
ETH Library is in negotiations also with various other publishers, in some cases in cooperation with the Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries. It is thus working to implement the national open-access strategy of the Swiss university libraries, which aims to make open access generally implemented in the area of scientific publishing in Switzerland by 2024.
Additional information on the financing of open-access publications can be found on the would be happy to help you.
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