News articles

All stories that have been tagged with Libraries

Fancy some leisure reading? Borrow a hiking guide from the Green Library

  • Media
  • Libraries
  • swisscovery

For early birds - the GESS library is extending its open library service

  • Libraries
  • Operational info
  • Learning
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

The Earth Sciences Library is closing – all services remain available

  • Operational info
  • Libraries
  • Books and Library
  • Student news

Barrier-free ETH Library – new services

  • Libraries
  • Project
  • Room for more
  • #FocusHuman

Open access to a new therapy – It Takes a Library

  • Libraries
  • Open access
  • Storytelling
  • Publication
  • Room for more
  • #FocusHuman

Preserving hard-earned data – It Takes a Library

  • Libraries
  • Storytelling
  • Research data management and digital curation
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

Keeping up the pace – It Takes a Library

  • Libraries
  • Storytelling
  • Room for more
  • #FocusHuman
  • Research & Science

GESS Library extends its opening hours and moves towards an open-library model

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • #ETHLibrary4Students
  • Operational info
  • Learning
  • Room for more
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

Competition co-learning space: redesign, shoot photo and win!

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • #ETHLibrary4Students
  • Learning
  • Books and Library

New co-learning space in the Green Library

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • Room for more
  • Learning
  • Books and Library

Take part and win in the ETH Library online survey

  • Libraries
  • #FocusHuman
  • Books and Library

Public engagement of science: Citizen Science Knowledge Center at the Southern Danish University (SDU).

  • Event
  • Libraries
  • Moving forward together
  • #FocusHuman

Take part and win: the ETH Library online survey

  • Libraries
  • #FocusHuman
  • Books and Library

Integrated circulation and information desk

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • Media
  • Room for more
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

Open Library Badge 2020 for the ETH Library

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • Open Data

Well prepared for the learning session

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • Platform
  • #ETHLibrary4Students
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

Full migration to swisscovery on 1 April 2021

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Platform
  • Operational info
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

Linking your SWITCH edu-ID with your ETH Zurich user account

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Platform
  • Operational info
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

Welcome to swisscovery!

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Platform
  • Administrative departments
  • Operational info
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

Only seven days to go until swisscovery launches

  • #KnowHow
  • Libraries
  • #ETHLibraryDigital
  • Search Portal
  • Platform
  • Operational info
  • swisscovery
  • Books and Library

Interview study of the ETH Library – participate and receive a book voucher

  • Libraries
  • #FocusHuman

From “The Legibility of the World” (Blumenberg) to the machine-readability of connected data

  • Event
  • Libraries
  • #FocusHuman

Participate in our interview study and receive a book voucher

  • Libraries
  • #FocusHuman
  • Books and Library

We want your feedback on our new website!

  • Libraries
  • #FocusHuman
  • Search Portal

It’s live and up to date: the new website of the ETH Library

  • Platform
  • Libraries
  • #KnowMore

Interactive science quiz for curious minds and those with a thirst for knowledge

  • Libraries
  • #KnowMore
  • Research & Science

Das Selbstlernzentrum neu in der Baubibliothek

  • Libraries
  • #KnowMore
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