From “The Legibility of the World” (Blumenberg) to the machine-readability of connected data

At the 17:15 Colloquium on 26 November 2020, Prof. Sybille Krämer, Theoretical Philosophy, FU Berlin, will speak about the change to digital literacy. Be there virtually and discuss with us!

The transition from manuscripts to digital writing is advancing unstoppably, and it is gradually dissolving the close link between librarianship and physical books in its wake. In her lecture, Professor Sybille Krämer discusses and answers a number of relevant questions, such as:

  • How do we adequately describe the conversion of symbolic worlds and forms into data and machine-processable, digitised resources?
  • What does the cultural technique of flattening mean in its historical context, i.e., the emergence of diagrammatic machines?
  • And the most important question of all: How will the digital transformation affect the work of libraries?

The lecture will be held in German. The 17:15 Colloquium will be held via Zoom at 17.15.

Additional information and registration

The 17:15 Colloquium offers a platform for further education and discussion of topics related to libraries, museums and archives. The formula: a 30-minute lecture + a 30-minute discussion + small-group discussion = inspiration for our daily working lives.

#FocusHuman – Be inspired by people and learn something new.

#ETHLibraryDigital – The ETH Library is there for you digitally with various offers and services, not only during the COVID-19 protective measures.

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