Only seven days to go until swisscovery launches

swisscovery is replacing the ETH Library Search Portal. Read on to find out more about the change and why you need to register.
The written treasures of a polymath – New private collection on e-rara

The private library of the statesman and entrepreneur Hans Conrad Escher von der Linth can now be explored on e-rara. The initiator of the “Linthwerk” river regulation works is synonymous with Swiss ingenuity.
Book a Librarian – Successful academic work through individual support

With its Book a Librarian service, the ETH Library supports researchers in their academic work across all specialist fields – individually, free of charge and personally.
Interview study of the ETH Library – participate and receive a book voucher

By taking part in our interview study, you will help to tailor the ETH Library’s services more closely to your needs. We are still looking for private individuals interested in science and culture.
Graph – analysing text reuse in rare books

Analysing text reuse is a task that is of particular relevance to architectural history. The new platform Graph automates this process by applying large-scale textual processing for detecting similar text passages to a large corpus of digitised architecture books.