Civil engineering

Here you can find a structured compilation of scientifically relevant new acquisitions and electronic media for the Department of Civil Engineering with its sections
- Structural Engineering
- Bridge Building
- Tunneling
- Foundation Engineering
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Traffic Route Construction
- Structural Building Materials and other Construction Materials
- Structural Damages and Building Maintenance
- Earthquake Engineering
- Construction Engineering
- Building Technology
- Building Industry
- Traffic Planning and Management
- Environmental Engineering
Further and supplementary literature and research references on the spatial engineering sciences can be found on the pages Architecture, urban planning as well as Geosciences and on Environmental Engineering as well as Traffic and Transport on the page Environment, transport, geography.
These databases (selection) support you in your studies and research:
- external page normI – is a bibliographical database for standards – Further information
- external page RSWB®plus – Search the RSWB® and ICONDA®Bibliographic databases, which contain bibliographic references of publications on spatial planning, urban planning, housing and construction
- external page Web of Science – Comprehensive bibliography for journal articles on the humanities and social and natural sciences; includes the Science Citation Index Expanded – Further information
- external page Scopus – Interdisciplinary, the most comprehensive bibliographic database with respect to the number of journals covered, particular focus on non-anglophone literature, enables citation analyses and includes unique author IDs – Further information
- More databases
Analog or digital, the most important reference books are available for you:
- external page Wendehorst Bautechnische Zahlentafeln – Handbook for civil engineering: waste management, construction management, structural engineering, sanitary engineering, hydraulic engineering, surveying, traffic and transportation
- external page Handbuch der Hydraulik – Application-oriented guide to hydraulics in hydraulic engineering and water management
- external page Handbuch Eisenbahninfrastruktur – Interdisciplinary compilation of all the relevant parameters for constructing, upgrading, repairing, maintaining and operating railway networks
- external page Wasserbau: Grundlagen, Gestaltung von wasserbaulichen Bauwerken und Anlagen – Fundamentals of hydraulic engineering
- external page Building Information Modeling: Technologische Grundlagen und industrielle Praxis
- external page Praxisbuch Fahrbahn – Railway Engineering
- external page Ökologisches Baustoff-Lexikon – Dictionary of ecological building
- external page ICE Handbook of concrete durability – Handbook on resilient concrete structures
- Baustoffkunde für Ausbildung und Praxis – Systematic descriptions of stone, concrete, metal, plastic, wood, glass, bitumen and asphalt, their properties and applications
- external page Urban Transit Systems and Technology – Description of vehicles and systems used in public transport for urban transport planning
- external page History of traffic and transportation in the area of the Simplon pass – permanent exhibition of the Ecomuseum Simplon (information is given in German)
- external page Structurae – Collection of works of structural engineering, architecture and construction, technical data, originators and images
- external page Ultimate Civil Engineering Directory – Associations, standards and references concerning all aspects of civil engineering
- external page International Transport Forum – Global platform of transport ministries, in the interests of better understanding of transport as a key player in the economy and society
- external page International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories (RILEM) – International association to promote knowledge of building materials, load-bearing systems and structures
Manuals, fact sheets
chevron_right Use of electronic mediaRelated links
- chevron_right Acquisition requests
- chevron_right Architecture and Civil Engineering Library
- chevron_right ETH Materials Hub
- chevron_right Green Library
- chevron_right Hönggerberg Depot Library
- external page call_made Journal search for holdings at ETH Zurich
- chevron_right Locations and opening hours
- chevron_right Scientific writing at ETH Zurich
- chevron_right Writing Studio