Architecture, urban planning

Here you can find a structured compilation of scientifically relevant new acquisitions and electronic media for the fields of architecture and urban planning.
These databases (selection) support you in your studies and research:
- external page RSWB®plus – Search the RSWB® and ICONDA®Bibliographic databases, which contain bibliographic references of publications on spatial planning, urban planning, housing and construction
- external page Urbadoc – Access to various European bibliographical databases on urban and regional planning
- external page Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals – Reference to articles in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, archaeology, architectural conservation and interior architecture
- external page JSTOR – Focus on humanities and social and natural sciences
- external page Art & architecture source – Full-text access to over 600 journals and 220 books, and a collection of more than 36,000 images from the fields of art history, art, design, architectural history and theory
- More databases
Analog or digital, the most important reference books are available for you:
- SIA Standards – Reference work on Swiss standards for construction and building, maintained by the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects (SIA)
- VSS Standards – Standards in the field of transport technology, maintained by the Swiss Association of Road and Transportation Experts (VSS)
- Neufert Bauentwurfslehre (Neufert Architects’ Data) – A classic work containing the basic principles, standards and regulations governing the layout, construction, design, space requirement and dimensions for buildings, rooms and furnishings
- external page archINFORM – Projects, architectural practices, biographies of architects and references to literature, with special focus on the twentieth century
- external page nextroom – Database of information about buildings in text and illustrations, references to specialist literature on contemporary architecture
- external page Oxford Art Online – Combines the comprehensive resources of Grove Art Online and Oxford Art Reference in a single database
- Lexikon der Weltarchitektur – Comprehensive reference work on terminology, individuals and buildings
- Hatje-Lexikon der Architektur des 20. Jahrhunderts – Reference work on architects, buildings, trends, connections
- Encyclopedia of 20th-century architecture – Buildings, architects, engineers, towns and cities, technologies, planning
- external page MATERIAL ARCHIV – Freely accessible material database with information on background, processing and technical details
- Geodata, maps – Information about the collection of up-to-date and historical maps and geodata of the ETH Library
- external page – Information from the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
- external page – Swiss platform for jobs and placements, events, competitions, specialist information
- external page – Latest news concerning architecture from various sources
- external page A Daily Dose of Architecture – Information blog
Manuals, fact sheets
chevron_right Use of electronic mediaRelated links
- chevron_right Acquisition requests
- chevron_right Architecture and Civil Engineering Library
- chevron_right ETH Materials Hub
- external page call_made Journal search for holdings at ETH Zurich
- chevron_right Locations and opening hours
- chevron_right Tips and tricks for research in the field of architecture