Environment, transport, geography

Here you can find a structured compilation of scientifically relevant new acquisitions and electronic media for the fields of environment, transport and geography.
These databases (selection) support you in your studies and research:
- external page Web of Science – Interdisciplinary database including the Derwent Innovations Index (patents), Web of Science Core Collection (journal articles) and Journal Citation Reports – Further information
- external page Scopus – Interdisciplinary, the most comprehensive bibliographic database with respect to the number of journals covered, particular focus on non-anglophone literature, enables citation analyses and includes unique author IDs – Further information
- external page CAB Abstracts – Bibliographical entries and abstracts from journals, books and conference proceedings in the field of agricultural and environmental sciences – Further information
- external page OECD iLibrary – All online publications from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – Further information
- external page Wiley Digital Archives: Royal Geographical Society – archive of the RGS, which is based in London and one of the world’s oldest and largest geographical societies; includes all documents which the society has been collecting since its foundation in 1830, in particular an impressive collection of maps.
- More databases
Analog or digital, the most important reference books are available for you:
- external page Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics – Clarifies the relationships among energy economics, resource economics and environmental economics
- external page Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation – Analytical techniques in biology, medicine, environmental sciences and food sciences
- external page Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification – Collection of methods for analysing water to improve its quality
- external page A Dictionary of Geography – Reference work on human and physical geography, entries supplemented with recommended web links
- external page Handbook of Water and Used Water Purification – Description of the latest wastewater treatment technologies, energy recovery, water recycling and wastewater reuse
- external page Handbook of Air Quality and Climate Change – This handbook addresses air quality/air pollution from the perspective of human and ecosystem health impacts and climate change
- external page Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation – Updates on humanity's growing ecological footprint and the world's endangered species and ecosystems
- external page Encyclopedia of Inland Waters – Focuses on a variety of topics related to inland waters, from the water cycle on earth to the properties of water
- external page International Encyclopedia of Human Geography – Comprehensive coverage of the topic of human geography
- external page CABI Compendium Invasive Species – This compendium provides detailed information on invasive pests, plants, fungi and animal diseases to support the management of invasive species worldwide
- external page Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) – Responsible for the sustainable use of natural resources and for protecting the environment in Switzerland
- external page International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – Raises awareness in society of the need to protect nature and species; its “red lists” of endangered species are well known
- external page IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) – the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change
- external page Praktischer Umweltschutz Schweiz (Pusch) – This non-profit organisation advocates the sustainable use of natural resources and supports environmentally friendly consumer behaviour
- external page The Swiss federal geoportal – Platform where users can directly access geographic information, data and services of the Swiss federal government for the whole of Switzerland on the basis of maps
- external page Swiss World Atlas – This classic atlas is now available as an interactive web version