Mechanical engineering

Here you can find a structured compilation of scientifically relevant new acquisitions and electronic media for the field of mechanical engineering.
These databases (selection) support you in your studies and research:
- external page INSPEC – Technical literature database consisting of over 4,000 journals dating back to 1898, 2,000 conference proceedings, technical reports, monographs – Further information
- external page The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Digital Collection – Technical literature database: ASME’s Transaction journals from 1990 onwards, ASME’s conference proceedings from 2002, ASME Press E-books selected from 1999 onwards
- external page Espacenet – Database of the European Patent Office, access to the full text of international patents from 63 countries – Further information
- external page normI – is a bibliographical database for standards – Further information
- external page Web of Science – Interdisciplinary database including the Derwent Innovations Index (patents), Web of Science Core Collection (journal articles), Science Citation Index and Journal Citation Reports – Further information
- external page Scopus – Interdisciplinary literature database, the most comprehensive bibliographic database with respect to the number of journals covered, particular focus on non-anglophone literature, enables citation analyses and includes unique author IDs – Further information
- More databases
Analog or digital, the most important reference books are available for you:
- external page Dubbel – Manual for mechanical engineering: basic knowledge, calculations, construction, production, quality, management, operation
- external page Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology – Handbook for mechanical engineering: construction and production
- external page Springer Materials – Based on the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, for searching for physical and chemical materials data
- external page Thermodynamics for mechanical engineers – Technical thermodynamics, cyclic processes, thermal engines, energy transport
- external page WTI-Frankfurt eG – Specialist information on mechanical engineering and manufacturing technology, new Technology and Management (TEMA) knowledge database
- external page Swissmem – Homepage of the Swiss association of mechanical and electrical engineering industries: events, policies, professional training
- external page VDI – The Association of German Engineers – VDI portal : specialist conferences, professional training, specialist associations, VDI test institutes, VDI publishing house