Educational cyborgs and the use of robots in higher educational institutions
Human and machine: humanoid “educational robots” open up new pathways in education. In the 17:15 Colloquium by the ETH Library on 23 February 2023, we explain how they can be used in research and practice.

Machines educating humans. Humanoid robots are already in widespread use today, from primary schools to higher educational institutions.
In this lecture, speakers Ricarda T. D. Reimer and Silvan Flückiger from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) explore how “educational cyborgs” can be critically evaluated and accompanied in practice from both a media education and university teaching perspective.
How can we use robots to our advantage in the areas of work, society and science? There are many goals, opportunities and challenges of this technology. We would like to enter into dialogue with you about them at the Colloquium.
Ricarda T. D. Reimer is head of the external page Department for Digital Teaching and Learning at FHNW, where Silvan Flückiger also works as a research associate. Both also play an active role in the external page FHNW Robo Lab competence network.
The 17:15 Colloquium by the ETH Library will be held on Thursday, 23 February 2023, at 5.15 p.m. at ETH Zurich, Zentrum Campus, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, MM C 78.1 – Alumni Pavillon.
Event language: German
The 17:15 Colloquium by the ETH Library offers a platform for further education and discussion of topics related to libraries, museums and archives. The formula: a 30-minute lecture + a 30-minute discussion + small-group discussion = inspiration for our daily working lives.