Educational cyborgs and the use of robots in higher educational institutions
Ricarda T. D. Reimer and Silvan Flückiger,University of Teacher Education FHNW, Office of Digital Teaching and Learning

Humans encounter a new counterpart in the form of humanoid robots, which challenges the previous relationship between humans and machines in a new way, and “hybrid education” requires jugglers between the worlds more than ever before: on the basis of these two perspectives, which are of increasing importance for higher education in research and teaching, the speakers will develop areas of application for “Educational Robots” in research and practice and explain specific questions from these fields.
Despite technical challenges, humanoid robots already enable enriching applications in education. These machines are preferably used in the pre-school and primary school sector, which may be surprising, for example, in view of the vulnerability of this target group. In higher education, the application of robots is concentrated in technical and informatics courses. Robot applications that go beyond learning programming skills are rare.
The FHNW Robo-Lab competence network uses robots both in the training and further education of education officers, in the university library and in various research projects. The interdisciplinary research group takes a broad and responsible approach to systematically addressing robot technologies in different sub-areas of work, society and science.
The presentation will focus in particular on media pedagogical and university didactic perspectives that take a critical, reflective look at “educational cyborgs” and accompany their practical applications. There are many goals, opportunities and challenges of this technology. We would like to enter into dialogue with you about them.
Ricarda T. D. Reimer is director of the external page Office of Digital Teaching and Learning of the University of Teacher Education FHNW and is also the external page director of the e-learning contact point at the FHNW. She is also involved in various innovation and research projects: external page Competence Network FHNW Robo-Lab, FHNW Learning Spaces, Collaborative 3D Environments, Working Group “Robots & Education”. She carries out managerial duties in the fields of strategic and innovation development.
Her current research focuses on the subjects “Critically reflexive media literacy” and “Hybrid education”.
She studied Sociology and Educational Sciences at the Bielefeld University. She has worked at various universities, including the University of Flensburg and the University of Zurich.
Silvan Flückiger holds a BA in Philosophy and French Language and Literature and an MA in Educational Sciences from the University of Basel. He has worked as a research associate at the Office of Digital Teaching and Learning ever since graduating. The focus of his activities in the specialist office is on further training and advising people working in teaching at the PH FHNW in the area of digital teaching; he is also a member of the working group “Robotics & Education”.