Kartenportal.CH vs. Google Maps

Maps and spatial data are becoming increasingly important for research and teaching. Starting with Google Maps, handling digital maps has become much easier. But do these dynamic maps satisfy scientific criteria? And what about printed maps? How can maps be searched and found? The course provides an insight into the central search portal Kartenportal.CH, demonstrates successful search strategies and looks at the differences in access and usage options of maps.

Screenshot Kartenportal.CH.
Screenshot Kartenportal.CH. (Image: Kartenportal.CH)


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We hold this course for groups of five people or more.



  • What is external page Kartenportal.CH? Differences to Google Maps, Open Street Map etc.
  • Search strategies
  • Further subject portals for maps and geodata
  • Exercises

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, you are able to

  • understand the differences between Kartenportal.CH, Google Maps, Open Street Maps and other platforms for maps and spatial data,
  • use the different search options of Kartenportal.CH for a successful search,
  • choose the right platform and search strategy for your specific topic,
  • name the differences between printed and digital maps in a scientific context.

Target audience

  • Bachelor students
  • Master students
  • Doctoral students
  • Scientific staff
  • Technical and administration staff
  • Scientifically interested individuals


Access to and participation in our courses will be barrier-free. Please contact us in advance at +41 44 632 21 35 or at so that we can optimally meet your needs.


Dates of course
  • +41 44 632 21 35
Roman Walt
Content of course
  • +41 44 632 72 48
Portrait Roman Walt
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