Open access to a new therapy – It Takes a Library

Mandy Boontanrart's research is meant to reach those who need it most. With the help of Barbara Hirschmann from the ETH Library, she is one step further.
The industrial and railway world of Hans-Peter Bärtschi in his photographs and in a new book

In homage to the architectural historian and photographer Hans-Peter Bärtschi, we celebrate a new photo book from the ETH Library and the complete digitisation of his photographic archive.
The ETH Zurich Research Collection is awarded the CoreTrustSeal

The ETH Library is the first Swiss university library to be awarded the CoreTrustSeal. As ETH Zurich’s institutional repository, the Research Collection now has a globally recognised certification.
Preserving hard-earned data – It Takes a Library

How can Anne Abels preserve her research data for researchers even after her doctorate at ETH Zurich? Thanks to Mohamed El-Saad from the ETH Library, she found a good way.
Understanding Research Quality as Basis of Research Assessment

At the 17:15 Colloquium by the ETH Library, Dr Michael Ochsner will talk about the results from a decade of research on research quality in the social sciences and humanities and what the sciences can learn from it.