The new course catalogue of the ETH Library is here. Sign up now.

We have just published our new courses and workshops on our website. They cover a wide range of interesting topics. From September, we will be hosting many autumn semester webinars, courses and workshops again.

Our courses and workshops cover various topics such as:

  • Scientific writing
  • Information research
  • Reference management
  • How to go open access

Book your places today to get familiar with a wide range of academic methods, from finding information to managing your research data.

Writing is a learnable skill. Our new courses teach you to plan your writing process effectively and overcome writer’s block. We will also show you how to research information and manage your references efficiently. In our online courses, we provide helpful tips on preparing your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis and finding a topic that aligns with your interests.

Find out more about our offers for scientific writing at ETH Zurich.

All courses, workshops and webinars offered by the ETH Library are free of charge. Improve and expand your knowledge in various aspects of academic work, including open-access publishing, effective management of research data and other relevant topics.

Personal consultation or a brief run-through?

Book a Librarian: Get personal, free advice on the services offered by the ETH Library. Now available through Skype for Business, too.

Coffee Lectures: In just ten minutes, you can gain insights into the practical application of tools that can make your work easier.

Book your places today to get familiar with a wide range of academic methods, from finding information to managing your research data.

#KnowHow – The ETH Library infrastructure and tools lead you to your goal.

#ETHLibraryDigital – The ETH Library is there for you digitally with various offers and services, not only during the COVID-19 protective measures

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