In late January 2020, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), swissuniversities, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the two Federal Institutes of Technology signed an agreement to establish a national Open Research Data (ORD) strategy.

The aim of the agreement is to provide the Swiss academic community with a vision and common objectives regarding processing, storing, accessing and reusing research data. This strategy needs to complement the external pageopen access strategy set out in 2017, which aims to create a coherent and ambitious Open Science policy over time in Switzerland that is aligned with European and global developments in the field.

The ORD strategy is expected to be devised during the course of 2020 and approved by the Swiss Higher Education Council in early 2021.

The involvement of the entire academic community is something that the initiative’s promoters hold very dear. Expert meetings and consultation periods are planned to take place throughout the process. swissuniversities will ensure that communication on the subject is proactive. At ETH Zurich, ETH Library and the Scientific IT Services will follow the process, among others.

Read the entire press release

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