Moving forward together
Through the power of networking

Interview: Data Stewardship at the Departmental Level – Insights from D-HEST

This conversation between PD Dr Jochen Klumpp (IT Services Group (ISG), D-HEST) and Dr Julian Dederke (ETH Library) is the third instalment in a series of interviews explaining the work of data stewards within the Data Stewardship Network and showcasing various data stewardship models at ETH Zurich.
The industrial and railway world of Hans-Peter Bärtschi in his photographs and in a new book

In homage to the architectural historian and photographer Hans-Peter Bärtschi, we celebrate a new photo book from the ETH Library and the complete digitisation of his photographic archive.
How to proceed for funding of publication fees with SNSF grants

When the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) funds a project, it covers the fees for any resulting gold open-access publications. Researchers from ETH Zurich use the SNSF’s ChronosHub platform to settle these fees.
"Who owns Thomas Mann?" – Seventh Thomas Mann Lecture

Save the date: The next Thomas Mann Lecture is going to explore Thomas Mann's work from a perspective that has so far received little attention: his mother's Brazilian origins and her connection to slavery and colonialism.
Cancelled: Reading Franz Hohler

The event with Franz Hohler has unfortunately been cancelled.
Interview: Data Stewardship for Monitoring Air Travel Emissions Data at ETH Zurich

The following interview between Dr Giuliana Turi (ETH Sustainability, Office of the President) and Dr Julian Dederke (ETH Library) is the second in a series of interviews that take a closer look at the work of active data stewards in the Data Stewardship Network.
Interview: A vision for Open Science and Data Stewardship at ETH Zurich

The discussion between Professor Elizabeth Tilley, Lars Schöbitz (both D-MAVT, Global Health Engineering) and Dr Julian Dederke (ETH Library) is the first in a series highlighting the work of a pilot group of data stewards who are active in the Data Stewardship Network.
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Curation - Opportunities and Risks for Libraries.

Artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning is one of the most important technological trends of recent years. Find out what opportunities and risks it has at the 17:15 colloquium by the ETH Library on November 24, 2022.
Scholarly Communication – exciting perspectives and networking

Register by 11 November 2022 for this year's IATUL Fall Seminar.
ETH Zurich expands its membership in the SciPost publication portal

Independent publishing: SciPost gives ETH Zurich researchers an additional way of publishing their research results as open-access articles without relying on commercial providers.