Scholarly communication of the future and digital disruption
ETH Zurich, Tuesday, 28 June 2016, 13.00 to 15.00 followed by refreshments
ETH-Bibliothek invites you to a debate on 28 June: how will scientific communication change in the future and what role will digital disruption play here?
The gulf between the literature supply requirements of academics from various disciplines keeps widening: while the demand for traditional printed works is dominant in many areas of the social sciences and humanities, electronic sources are used almost exclusively in the natural sciences and technical disciplines.
This is forcing academia, publishers and libraries to fundamentally rethink the supply of academic literature for researchers and teachers, and begs numerous questions:
- What impact do developments in digitization have on the various subjects?
- What professional publishing requirements do academics have?
- How can the diverse requirements be accommodated?
- What role do libraries play in this diverse environment?
ETH-Bibliothek will discuss the future requirements and duties of the various stakeholders with you.
The event is free and there is no need to register. It will be conducted in German and English.
Two renowned experts will be speaking at the “Scolarly communication of the future and digital disruption” event and having a discussion with the audience afterwards:
Professor Tara Andrews (Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities at the University of Bern) will outline the current developments and parameters of publishing before talking about the requirements for a publication system of the future from the perspective of digital humanities.
Professor Michael Hagner (Professor of Science Studies at ETH Zurich) will demonstrate the conflicting interests of cultural criticism based on the printed book and discuss the strengths of combining digital sources and the printed word.