Questioning copyright
Andreas von Gunten

Presentation: Download Questioning copyright (PDF, 176 KB)
In his talk, Andreas von Gunten essentially calls into question the existing copyright system.
He begins by observing that copyright is constantly being intensified worldwide. Opponents to this development frequently settle for being able to achieve merely a reduction of this intensification.
The speaker goes much further and observes that the existing copyright regime is not based in nature, but is rather the culmination of constant lobbying by a small group of stakeholders. In his talk, for instance, he examines the questions as to how plausible the reasons for copyright are and what a world without copyright might look like, before putting up his theories for discussion.
Andreas von Gunten is active in various walks of economic and political life. Given his background in the IT and media industry, he currently focuses on digitisation and its impact on society. He is a member of Digitale Gesellschaft, Digitale Allmend and the core group Task Force Urheberrechtsgesetz. external page Andreas von Gunten is also the author of the publication "Intellectual Property is Common Property"