Data management planning – how to comply with the requirements of research funders and ETH Zurich

Registration required  

This workshop addresses mainly doctoral students and scientific staff.

We also offer workshops from this series for groups of five people or more. 


  • ETH rules and regulations regarding research data management
  • Funders' open access and open research data policies (SNSF, Horizon Europe)
  • Basics of data management planning and how to write a data management plan (DMP)
  • Associate services and infrastructure at ETH Zurich
  • Slides of a previous workshop (PDF 4.1 MB)


At the end of the workshop, you are able to

  • understand what makes your research data FAIR.
  • describe the content of the ETH Guidelines for Research Data Management as well as Research Integrity and apply it to your own research project.
  • explain funders' requirements for research data management and evaluate your current practice in light of these requirements.
  • understand the basics of a Data Management Plan (DMP) and to write a DMP that meets funders' requirements.


Access to and participation in our courses will be barrier-free. Please contact us in advance at +41 44 632 21 35 or at so that we can optimally meet your needs.  


Course dates
  • +41 44 632 21 35
Dr Julian Dederke
Course content
  • +41 44 632 41 16
Dr Fabian Schmid
Content of course
  • +41 44 632 41 16
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